"That You May Come Off Conqueror"
We…are privileged to live in an exceptional time...In no previous dispensation have so many missionaries been called, so many nations been opened for the gospel message, and so many temples been built throughout the world…Our amazement... produces spiritual strength. It gives us the energy to remain anchored in our faith and to engage ourselves in the work of salvation…I testify that the work in which we are engaged is “a marvelous work and a wonder.”
- Gérald Caussé, Is It Still Wonderful to You?
[E]nduring to the end is not just a matter of passively tolerating life’s difficult circumstances or “hanging in there.”...Enduring to the end is a process filling every minute of our life, every hour, every day, from sunrise to sunrise. It is accomplished through personal discipline…[and] implies “patient continuance in well doing”, striving to keep the commandments, and doing the works of righteousness. It requires sacrifice and hard work.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?
[W]hen we try to help someone we love come unto Christ, we can do so with confidence that He has the capacity to lift the burden of sin and to forgive....when we make effort...to bring others to Christ, we can do so with certainty that He sees our true intentions and will appropriately honor them…we are all engaged as Latter-day Saint disciples in the work of bringing others to Christ...Each of us has a role to play in the kingdom of God…As we do, and if we will, the Lord blesses us all.
- James W. McConkie III, And They Sought to See Jesus Who He Was
Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son | The Bible
The Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on earth because it centers upon the Truth, even Jesus Christ, and...speaks to the spirit and to the heart of the reader like no other volume of scripture…Testimony is personal knowledge, based upon the witness of the Holy Ghost, that certain facts of eternal significance are true…And a testimony need not always begin with the phrase “I bear you my testimony.” Our witness can be declared as simply as “I know I was blessed with inspiration at work today” or “The truth in this scripture always has been a powerful source of direction for me.”
- David A. Bednar, Watching with All Perseverence
Already A Missionary | Come Learn with Me | Doctrine and Covenants
John the Baptist brought back the Aaronic Priesthood with the keys of repentance and baptism…The events describing the return of the priesthood are remarkable in that they conform precisely with the biblical pattern of priesthood restoration in earlier dispensations…Priesthood and priesthood keys open the door to the blessings of the Atonement. Through the power of the priesthood, people are baptized for the remission of sins, made possible by the Savior’s great act of mercy…
- Merrill J. Bateman, Priesthood, Keys and the Power to Bless
God's Priesthood Power | Growing Faith
In many gospel ordinances, we make sacred covenants with God; He promises to bless us as we keep those covenants. Do we realize it is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?…Learn how priesthood ordinances and covenant promises will allow God’s power to flow into your life with greater efficacy, working in and through you, empowering and equipping you to reach your full purpose and potential... We all have access to the gift of God’s power.
- Emily Belle Freeman, Live Up to Your Privileges
Inspiring Short: Covenant Relationships | Jenet Jacob Erickson | 2024
Remembering Jesus | Growing Faith
Drawing Upon the Power of God in Our Lives
Our family loves the Come, Follow Me program! We have organized the weekly lessons from the Come, Follow Me lesson manual into six lessons per week that work for our young and growing children.
We hope that sharing this content will make scripture study easier for your family as well!