It is our responsibility as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to gather Abraham’s seed and bring them unto Christ. They should be easy to find, for they are as numerous as the sands of the seashore...Are we looking? Are we asking? ...let us renew our commitment to seek the Spirit to help us find those who are Abraham’s seed. Then let us open our mouths, friendship them, invite them to come unto Christ, and be there to support, nourish, and retain them...Our Father in Heaven wants all of Abraham’s seed to return to Him.
- E. Ray Bateman, Pearls from the Sand
[W]e have an “eternal destiny.” Such a destiny will not be forced on us. After death, we will receive what we have qualified for and “enjoy [only] that which [we] are willing to receive.” …
Our Heavenly Father wants you to become His heir and receive all that He has. He cannot offer you more. He cannot promise you more. He loves you more than you know and wants you to be happy in this life and in the life to come.
- Dale G. Renlund, Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny
[T]he Lord has set His hand to prepare the world for His glorious return. These are days of great opportunity and important responsibilities…Those awaiting the Savior’s coming will “look for [Him].” And He has promised, “I will come”! …I testify of the majesty but, most of all, of the certainty of this magnificent event. The Savior lives. He will return to the earth. And whether on this side of the veil or the other, you and I will rejoice in His coming...
- Neil L. Andersen, Preparing the World for the Second Coming
The gospel plan shows our Heavenly Father’s love for all His children. To understand this, we must seek to understand His plan and His commandments...In the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a unique understanding of our Heavenly Father’s plan. This gives us a different way of viewing the purpose of mortal life, the divine judgment that follows it, and the ultimate glorious destiny of all of God’s children…Under that plan there are multiple kingdoms so that all of His children can be assigned to a kingdom where they can “abide.”
- President Dallin H. Oaks, Divine Love in the Father’s Plan,
There is a crucial balance between the temporal and the spiritual aspects of this principle...Our physical preparation—including a clean, orderly home—makes it possible for the Spirit to be present. Likewise, the Spirit of the Lord brings an atmosphere of peace and contentment to our orderly home…One sister told of her preparation to receive a General Authority guest in her home for stake conference. Everything was to be perfect. Extensive cleaning and cooking were done. Her ten children were prepped as to what their roles should be. She worked hard! By the time he arrived she was exhausted and couldn’t enjoy his visit. Too late, she realized that spiritual preparation was “needful” also.
- Barbara W. Winder, Becoming a Prepared People
Life is all about making choices. Our Father in Heaven gave us the divine gift of agency precisely so that we could learn from our choices—from the right ones and also from the wrong ones…To be able to exercise our agency, we need to have opposing options to consider...In life, we constantly confront many important choices. For example: Choosing whether or not we will follow God’s commandments...We can rest assured that our difficulties, sorrows, afflictions, and pains do not define us; rather, it is how we go about them that will help us grow and draw closer to God. It is our attitudes and choices that define us much better than our challenges.
- Mathias Held, Opposition in All Things
*10th Article of Faith
We’ll Bring the World His Truth
Israel, Israel, God Is Calling
Come, Rejoice
The Day Dawn is Breaking
*When the Savior Comes Again
*I Lived in Heaven
Today While the Sun Shines
*Choose the Right
As Now We Take the Sacrament
To Think About Jesus
5th Article of Faith
A Young Man Prepared
We are Marching On to Glory
*Scripture Power
Do What is Right
*Seek the Lord Early
7th Article of Faith
9th Article of Faith
Tell Me Dear Lord
We Thank Thee, O God for a Prophet
*6th Article of Faith
I Need Thee Every Hour