[W]e may be inclined to see the building of the kingdom as something that takes place beyond the horizon, far away from our own branch or ward…We do not have to be called to serve far from home, nor do we have to hold a prominent place in the Church or in the world to build up the Lord’s kingdom…More than anywhere else, it is within the family, in the quiet sanctuary of the home, that generations unite in building the kingdom of God
- Bruce D. Porter, Building the Kingdom
This Is Church | ComeUntoChrist.org
How Can We Build Our Foundations on a Rock? (KnoWhy 659)
Let me point out the need to differentiate between two critical words: worth and worthiness. They are not the same. Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us, not as the world values us. Our worth was determined before we ever came to this earth. “God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever.” On the other hand, worthiness is achieved through obedience...No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
- Joy D. Jones, Value Beyond Measure
Our love for the Lord and appreciation for the Restoration of the gospel are all the motivation we need to share what gives us much joy and happiness. It is the most natural thing in the world for us to do, and yet far too many of us are hesitant to share our testimonies with others…We find joy in helping others come unto Christ and feel the redemptive power of His love…Creating a gospel-sharing home is the easiest and most effective way that we can share the gospel with others.
- M. Russell Ballard, Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home
[A]sk [yourself], “Am I taking upon myself the Savior’s name as He would have me do so?” … We live the two great commandments, submit to God’s will, gather Israel, and let our light “shine before men.” We receive and live the covenants and ordinances of His restored Church. As we do this, God endows us with power to bless ourselves, our families, and the lives of others...My prayer is that we will faithfully take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ—by seeing as He sees, by serving as He served, and by trusting that His grace is sufficient to deliver us home and to enduring joy.
- Robert C. Gay, Taking upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ
Something wonderful happens in a missionary’s service when he or she realizes that the calling is not about him or her; rather, it is about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father’s children. I feel the same is true for an Apostle. This calling is not about me. It’s about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father’s children…With all my heart I want to be a true follower of Jesus Christ...I witness of His living reality. I witness that He is the Anointed One, the Messiah. I am a witness of His incomparable mercy, compassion, and love.
- Dale G. Renlund, Through God’s Eyes
Excerpts from "The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles"
He Is Risen! | A Special Easter Season Message from the First Presidency
My testimony is that the Lord is speaking to you! But with the deafening decibels of today’s environment, all too often we fail to hear him…In the Doctrine and Covenants the Lord tells us that he speaks to us through the scriptures. Of course, just reading words without our minds being centered on the message is not really listening...And thus, what to many seems to be the monologue of prayer actually becomes a dialogue with God as we immerse ourselves in the scriptures.
- Graham W. Doxey, The Voice is Still Small
#HearHim: Listen to the Voice of Jesus Christ
We believe that God the Father “is an exalted man” with a glorified “body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; [and] the Son also.” Thus, every time we talk about the nature of God, in some way, somehow, we are also talking about our own nature…we truly believe that we are all literally the children of God…We read that “God spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name.”...Then He added, “And, behold, thou art my son.”
- Rubén V. Alliaud, Sons and Daughters of God
As I pondered the significance of th[e sacrament] words, the word willing impressed me as never before...The Savior is our perfect example of willingness to submit to the Father in all things. He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” He willingly atoned for our sins. He willingly eases our burdens, calms our fears, gives us strength, and brings peace and understanding to our hearts in times of distress and grief.
- Kevin W. Pearson, Are You Still Willing?
Meek and Lowly of Heart by Elder Bednar | April 2018
[T]he instant we come unto Christ...the crushing weight of our sins starts to shift from our backs to His. This is possible only because He who is without sin suffered “the infinite and unspeakable agony” of every single sin in the universe of His creations, for all of His creations—a suffering so severe, blood oozed out of His every pore. From direct, personal experience the Savior thus warns us, in modern scripture, that we have no idea how “exquisite” our “sufferings” will be if we do not repent.
- Matthew S. Holland, The Exquisite Gift of the Son
Jesus Christ: Our Healer Then and Now - See What’s Possible Because of Him
Correct knowledge of and faith in the Lord empower us to hush our fears because Jesus Christ is the only source of enduring peace...Exercising faith in and on the holy name of Jesus Christ, meekly submitting to His will and timing in our lives, and humbly acknowledging His hand in all things yield the peaceable things of the kingdom of God that bring joy and eternal life. Even as we encounter difficulties and face the uncertainties of the future, we can cheerfully persevere and live a “peaceable life in all godliness and honesty”.
- David A. Bednar, Therefore They Hushed Their Fears
Peace in Christ- 2018 Youth Theme for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
A consecrated life is a life of labor. Beginning early in His life, Jesus was about His Father’s business. God Himself is glorified by His work of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children. We naturally desire to participate with Him in His work, and in so doing, we ought to recognize that all honest work is the work of God…One who lives a consecrated life does not seek to take advantage of another but, if anything, will turn the other cheek and, if required to deliver a coat, will give the cloak also.
- D. Todd Christofferson, Reflections on a Consecrated Life
The Widow's Mite: A Bible Story for Children
Our Heavenly Father has not only invited us to speak to him, he has commanded it. And, as he has always done, when he commands, he promises, too...Everything belongs to God, so there is not much you can give him, after you have given him a repentant heart...With all you will do for your Heavenly Father—if you pray, and listen, and then obey him all your days—you will still find him more generous than you can ever be...“And…he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you..."
- President Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God
Matthew 6 | Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven | The Bible
Matthew 13 | Parables of Jesus: The Kingdom of Heaven | The Bible
We…affirm that the scriptures, ancient and modern, clearly teach the origin and need for a church directed by and with the authority of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We also testify that the restored Church of Jesus Christ has been established to teach the fulness of His doctrine and to officiate with His priesthood authority to perform the ordinances necessary to enter the kingdom of God...Despite the good works that can be accomplished without a church, the fulness of doctrine and its saving and exalting ordinances are available only in the restored Church.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, The Need for a Church
As our faith in Jesus Christ grows, God invites us to make promises with Him. These covenants, as such promises are known, are manifestations of our conversion. Covenants also create a sure foundation for spiritual progression. As we choose to be baptized, we begin to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and choose to identify ourselves with Him. We pledge to become like Him and to develop His attributes... You will become more like the Savior as you always remember Him, follow Him, and adore Him.
- Dale G. Renlund, Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ
Sophia's Baptism Promises | Growing Faith
Baptism: A Bible Story for Children
Friend to Friend: Keeping Baptismal Covenants with Elder Soares - Animated
From the newest ordained deacon to the most senior high priest, we all have lists of what we could and should do in our priesthood responsibilities…God is faithful. Through the Holy Spirit, He will speak to our minds and hearts concerning the path we should follow during each segment of our lives. If our hearts are pure...if we seek to do His will, if we desire to bless the lives of our family and fellowman—we will not be left to walk alone.…divine blessings for priesthood service are activated by our diligent efforts, our willingness to sacrifice, and our desire to do what is right.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Why of Priesthood Service
God's Priesthood Power | Growing Faith
[W]e can always remember Him on the Sabbath through the sacrament...In the ordinance of the sacrament, we witness unto God the Father that we are willing to take upon us the name of His Son and always remember Him and keep His commandments, which He has given us, that we may always have His Spirit to be with us…our Savior invites us to always remember Him as He always remembers us.
- Gerrit W. Gong, Always Remember Him
Inspiring Short: Always Remember Being Saved | Thomas B. Griffith
When we sustain prophets and other leaders, we invoke the law of common consent...This gives us, as members of the Lord’s Church, confidence and faith as we strive to keep the scriptural injunction to heed the Lord’s voice as it comes through the voice of His servants the prophets. All leaders in the Lord’s Church are called by proper authority…The calling of 15 men to the holy apostleship provides great protection for us as members of the Church. Why? Because decisions of these leaders must be unanimous.
- President Russell M. Nelson, Sustaining the Prophets
Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God
Our gospel learning and teaching deepen our conversion to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and help us become more like Them…We come unto Christ by “exercising faith in [Him], repenting daily, making covenants with God as we receive the ordinances of salvation and exaltation, and enduring to the end by keeping those covenants”…The doctrine of Christ helps us find and stay on the covenant path, and the gospel is so arranged that the Lord’s promised blessings are received through sacred ordinances and covenants.
- Adeyinka A. Ojediran, The Covenant Path: The Way to Eternal Life
You Can Be Born Again through Baptism
Find a Fresh Start through Baptism
Saving Ordinances - Taniala Wakolo
There is the natural tendency to look at those who are sustained to presiding positions, to consider them to be higher and of more value in the Church or to their families than an ordinary member. Somehow we feel they are worth more to the Lord than are we...No member of the Church is esteemed by the Lord as more or less than any other. It just does not work that way! Remember, He is a father—our Father. The Lord is “no respecter of persons.”
- Boyd K. Packer, The Weak and the Simple of the Church
[W]e can know in the midst of our afflictions that God has provided an eternal compensating reward…Many of us have pleaded with God to remove the cause of our suffering, and when the relief we seek has not come, we have been tempted to think He is not listening. I testify that, even in those moments, He hears our prayers, has a reason for allowing our afflictions to continue, and will help us bear them...We can take strength in knowing that all the hard experiences in this life are temporary; even the darkest nights turn into dawn for the faithful.
- Evan A. Schmutz, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears
Mountains To Climb - Gaining Power To Overcome Challenges In Life
Inspiring Short: Lessons from Liberty Jail | Jeffrey R. Holland
God Delivers Us in Our Trials | Hope Works at Home
[W]e have an obligation as members of the Church to accept callings to serve in building the kingdom of God on earth. As we serve in our various callings, we bless the lives of others...In Church service we learn to give of ourselves and to help others. President Spencer W. Kimball, a great example of service, said: “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom.”
- Steven E. Snow, Service
[W]e live in perilous times, and the decisions which you are called upon to make on a daily, or even hourly, basis have eternal consequences. The decisions you make in your daily life will determine what happens to you later...Living the gospel and standing in holy places is not always easy or comfortable, but I testify that it is worth it! The Lord counseled Emma Smith to “lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.” I suspect we cannot begin to imagine just how magnificent those “things of a better” world are!
- Bonnie L. Oscarson, Be Ye Converted
Meek and Lowly of Heart by Elder Bednar | April 2018
Always Something to Give – The Coconut Farmer
The music of sacrament meeting is a vital part of our worship. The scriptures teach that the song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Lord. The First Presidency has declared that “some of the greatest sermons are preached by the singing of hymns”. How wonderful when every person in attendance joins in the worship of singing—especially in the hymn that helps us prepare to partake of the sacrament...President Joseph Fielding Smith taught: “...We should assemble in the spirit of prayer, of meekness, with devotion in our hearts”.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament
President Thomas S. Monson taught, “Sacred covenants are to be revered by us, and faithfulness to them is a requirement for happiness.”…Making and cheerfully keeping our covenants gives validity and life to the vital sacred and saving ordinances we need to receive in order to obtain “all that [the] Father hath.”…I invite each of us to evaluate how much we love the Savior, using as a measure how joyfully we keep our covenants.
- Linda K. Burton, The Power, Joy and Love of Covenant Keeping