When you and I talk to people about faith and belief, don’t we often hear, “I wish I could believe the way you do”?...The world has a long history of rejecting that which it does not understand. And it has particular trouble understanding things it cannot see. But just because we cannot see something with our physical eyes does not mean it doesn’t exist...The universe is filled with wonders profound and astonishing—things that can be comprehended only through spiritual eyes.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Be Not Afraid, Only Believe
Each of us came to earth having been given the Light of Christ. As we follow the example of the Savior and live as He lived and as He taught, that light will burn within us and will light the way for others…our opportunities to shine surround us each day, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. As we follow the example of the Savior, ours will be the opportunity to be a light in the lives of others.
- President Thomas S. Monson, Be an Example and a Light
Shine Your Light So Others May See
How to #LightTheWorld This Season
[W]hat does your heart desire? What do you gravitate toward? Where will your desires lead?... Every day the world seeks to influence your desires...Ultimately, the choice is yours. You have agency. It is the power to not only act on your desires but also to refine, purify, and elevate your desires. Agency is your power to become. Each choice takes you closer to or further from what you are meant to become...Always ask yourself, “Where will this choice lead?”
- Randall L. Ridd, The Choice Generation
We have earthly debts and heavenly debts. Let us be wise in dealing with each of them and ever keep in mind the words of the Savior...The riches of this world are as dust compared to the riches that await the faithful in the mansions of our Heavenly Father. How foolish is he who spends his days in the pursuit of things that rust and fade away. How wise is he who spends his days in the pursuit of eternal life.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin, Earthly Debts, Heavenly Debts
Prayer is essential to developing faith...In faith we pray, we listen, and we obey, that we might learn to become one with the Father and the Son. A prayer of faith opens the way to receive glorious heaven-sent blessings...If we expect to receive, we must ask, seek, and knock…Prayer is a gift from God. We need never feel lost or alone...every moment of precious prayer can be holy time spent with our Father, in the name of the Son, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
- Carol F. McConkie, The Soul’s Sincere Desire
Partake of His Goodness | 2 Nephi 26
Revelation comes to us in proportion to the degree to which we have sought to take the doctrine of Christ into our hearts and implement it in our lives…You have questions for which you seek answers. You have at least enough faith to hope that you will receive answers from the Lord through His servants...faith will also have brought the Savior’s softening touch enough for us to hear His direction and be determined and excited to obey…it takes faith to be obedient to the Lord’s commandments.
- President Henry B. Eyring, The Faith to Ask and Then to Act
Prepare to be Inspired for LDS General Conference #GeneralConference
Prepare for General Conference
This is the spirit of compassion: that we love others as ourselves, seek their happiness, and do unto them as we hope they would do unto us…Christ did not just speak about love; He showed it each day of His life...Christ knows how to minister to others perfectly. When the Savior stretches out His hands, those He touches are uplifted and become greater, stronger, and better people as a result. If we are His hands, should we not do the same?...He has given us the perfect example of the kind of men and women we should be.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Are My Hands”
Our Father has blessings and eternal rewards available for each of His children...seriously studying how our Father cares for His children can help us. Everything we know about our Heavenly Father is connected with His parenthood and His loving care for our souls. He loves each of His children unconditionally…The Only Begotten Son of our Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, spent His earthly ministry showing us how to love, bless, and teach all of the family of God. He taught us that not one soul should be lost.
- Patricia P. Pinegar, Caring for the Souls of Children
Inspiring Short: Christ’s Message of Love
Luke 18 | Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me | The Bible
[T]he sacrament of the Lord’s Supper [i]s the sacred, acknowledged focal point of our weekly worship experience. We are to remember in as personal a way as possible that Christ died from a heart broken by shouldering entirely alone the sins and sorrows of the whole human family…this hour ordained of the Lord is the most sacred hour of our week...It is in memory of Him who asked if the cup He was about to drink could pass, only to press on because He knew that for our sake it could not pass.
- Jeffrey R. Holland, Behold the Lamb of God
Inspiring Short: Always Remember Being Saved | Thomas B. Griffith
Our prayers follow patterns and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. He taught us how to pray. From His prayers we can learn many important lessons…He told His disciples that “ye must always pray unto the Father in my name.” The Savior further emphasized, “Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name.” Obediently, we apply that lesson when we pray to our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ…The Lord has taught ways by which our prayers can be enhanced.
- President Russell M. Nelson, Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers
Sometimes others don’t see us doing good, sharing our light in our individual homes. It is basic human nature to desire and seek praise and attention…You will bring the light of the gospel into your homes—not to be seen of others, but to build others—men and women of strength and light… We must be the light to help our families overcome sin, anger, envy, and fighting...As you share your light, others will find greater light too. Is there anyone who needs your light as much as your families?
- Susan W. Tanner, “I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up”
These four words—“Receive the Holy Ghost”—are not a passive pronouncement;... each of us accepts a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, to seek, to work, and to so live that we indeed “receive the Holy Ghost” and its attendant spiritual gifts...Do we...remember to pray earnestly and consistently for that which we should most desire, even the Holy Ghost? Receiving the Holy Ghost starts with our sincere and constant desire for His companionship in our lives.
- David A. Bednar, Receive the Holy Ghost
To belong with God and to walk with each other on His covenant path is to be blessed by covenant belonging…The Book of Mormon is the promised instrument for the gathering of God’s children, prophesied as a new covenant.…The Book of Mormon speaks by ancient and modern covenant to you who are the children of Lehi,... [and] testifies you are “children of the covenant”.
- Gerrit W. Gong, Covenant Belonging
About the Old Testament | Old Testament Stories for Kids
Brad Wilcox's 5-Minute Fireside: You Were Born to Change the World
God has something unimaginable in mind for you personally and the Church collectively—a marvelous work and a wonder. Our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. This is why God gives us modern revelation! …God has revealed and will continue to reveal His almighty hand...this is God’s work and He will continue to do many unimaginable things among His children, His people.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, God Will Do Something Unimaginable
Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high…Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world…Scriptures can communicate different meanings at different times in our life, according to our needs.
- Richard G. Scott, The Power of Scripture
I heard in my mind—not in my own voice—these words: “I’m not giving you these experiences for yourself. Write them down.”...I was supposed to record for my children to read, someday in the future, how I had seen the hand of God blessing our family...so I wrote it down, so that my children could have the memory someday when they would need it. I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day.
- President Henry B. Eyring, O Remember, Remember
The windows of heaven open in many ways. Some are temporal, but many are spiritual. Some are subtle and easy to overlook. Trust in the Lord’s timing; the blessings always come…Being honest in our tithes is one way we show our willingness to put the Lord first in our lives, above our own cares and interest. I promise you that as you trust in the Lord, the blessings of heaven will follow.
- Neil L. Andersen, Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven
Matthew 14 | The Feeding of the 5,000 | The Bible
[O]ur ancestors deserve to be remembered…let the adventure of family history be intentional and spontaneous…Make time—discover eternity—at each stage of your journey. Learn and acknowledge with gratitude and honesty your family heritage. Celebrate and become the positive and, where needed, humbly do everything possible not to pass on the negative. Let good things begin with you.
- Gerrit W. Gong, We Each Have a Story
Discovering My Family’s History
Why Will God Turn the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children? (Knowhy #219)
President Nelson spoke in general conference: “The Lord impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He decreed for His Church...” The identity and destiny of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints require that we be called by His name…There are thousands and thousands of Latter-day Saints who have courageously proclaimed the name of the Church. As we do our part, others will follow.
- Neil L. Andersen, The Name of the Church is Not Negotiable
[T]he Savior’s Church is special only if it is built on His gospel. Without the Savior’s gospel and the authority to administer the ordinances thereof, the Church isn’t exceptional…The Savior refers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as “my church” because He commissioned it to accomplish His purposes—preaching His gospel, offering His ordinances and covenants, and making it possible for His power to justify and sanctify us.
- Dale G. Renlund, “This Is My Gospel”—“This Is My Church”
[S]ome may even have wondered, “Is it even possible to go back?...Is it better to just stay lost? How will God react if I try to return?”...Our Heavenly Father will run to us, His heart overflowing with love and compassion. He will embrace us; place a robe around our shoulders, a ring on our finger, and sandals on our feet; and proclaim, “Today we celebrate! For my child, who once was dead, has come back to life!” Heaven will rejoice at our return.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home
Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Lost Sheep | The Bible
Luke 15 | Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Son | The Bible
Come Unto Jesus Christ and Be Healed
How many of you have heard an inspiring thought, hymn, or story, and then had a desire to go do something good? This is not unusual; it is a healthy, spiritual feeling that is essential to our progress. But how often have you followed through on those feelings?... Desires change during our lives, sometimes dramatically and quickly, and sometimes gradually…When you are pure in your heart, when you desire that which is good, true, and beautiful, then you can avoid the pitfalls of life.
- Jack H. Goaslind, “Yagottawanna”
This doctrine of the gathering is one of the important teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Lord has declared: “I give unto you a sign...” The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is a sign to the entire world that the Lord has commenced to gather Israel and fulfill covenants He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We not only teach this doctrine, but we participate in it. We do so as we help to gather the elect of the Lord on both sides of the veil. The Book of Mormon is central to this work...
- President Russell M. Nelson, The Gathering of Scattered Israel
What is the key to this breakthrough in contented, happy living? It is embedded...in one sentence: “The love of God…did dwell in the hearts of the people.” When the love of God sets the tone for our own lives, for our relationships to each other and ultimately our feeling for all humankind, then old distinctions, limiting labels, and artificial divisions begin to pass away, and peace increases…If we love God enough to try to be fully faithful to Him, He will give us the ability, the capacity, the will, and the way to love our neighbor and ourselves.
- President Jeffrey R. Holland, The Greatest Possession
True Joy is Possible Through Jesus Christ
In [a] recent general conference, President Russell M. Nelson declared: “...Through personal revelation, you can receive your own witness that...this is the Lord’s Church. Regardless of what others may say or do, no one can ever take away a witness borne to your heart and mind about what is true.”…some have not yet fully received the gospel of Jesus Christ into their lives…The gospel does not yet define them. They are not yet centered in Christ. They are selective about the doctrines and commandments they will follow.
- D. Todd Christofferson, Firm and Steadfast in the Faith of Christ
Faith in Christ will change our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that are not in harmony with God’s will. True repentance brings us back to doing what is right. To truly repent we must recognize our sins and feel remorse, or godly sorrow, and confess those sins to God…We need to ask God for forgiveness and do all we can to correct whatever harm our actions may have caused. Repentance means a change of mind and heart—we stop doing things that are wrong, and we start doing things that are right.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Point of Safe Return
[P]lease believe how very much your loving Heavenly Father wants to bless you. But because He will not infringe upon our agency, we must ask for His help. This is generally done through prayer. Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man…Sometimes we seem to get no answer to our sincere and striving prayers. It takes faith to remember that the Lord answers in His time and in His way so as to best bless us. Or, on further reflection, we will often realize that we already know full well what we should do.
- J. Devn Cornish, The Privilege of Prayer
The great prophet Mormon set [an] example worthy of emulation. He lived at a time that was hopeless...In spite of this...Mormon led their armies...This prophet had Christlike love for a fallen people. Can we be content with loving less? We must press forward with the pure love of Christ to spread the good news of the gospel... We cannot do everything, but we must do everything we can.
- Glenn L. Pace, A Thousand Times
[W]e each have at least one person we love and often more...for whom we ache with concern. They have been taught the gospel. They have made covenants. And yet they go on in disobedience or neglect, despite the emptiness we know that brings them. The choice to repent or to remain a prisoner of sin is their own…Satan tempts with procrastination throughout our days of probation…the Lord has given us ample warning...The truth is that today is always a better day to repent than any tomorrow.
- President Henry B. Eyring, Do Not Delay
We long to be close to the Lord, for we know that He loves each of us and desires to encircle us “eternally in the arms of his love.”... His promise invites us not only to reach towards Him but also to take the all-important next step: to come unto Him. This is such a motivating, cheering doctrine. The Messiah extends His arm of mercy to us, always eager to receive us—if we choose to come to Him.
- Ann C. Pingree, To Look, Reach, and Come unto Christ
No one needs to feel alone on the road of life, for we are all invited to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him. Happiness is the purpose of the gospel and the purpose of the redeeming Atonement for all men...we need to recognize that “wanting to” is the determining factor which leads us to lay hold upon the word of God and be happy…life is good if we live in such a way to make it so. Believing, desiring, deciding, and choosing correctly are the simple actions that define an increase in happiness and an increase in the inner assurance that transcends this life.
- Benjamin De Hoyos, True Happiness: A Conscious Decision
Our mortal probation is not easy, and it is not brief...We can choose to follow Heavenly Father’s eternal plan of salvation and redemption, or we can try to find our own way. We can be obedient and keep His commandments, or we can reject them and face the consequences that will surely follow...We must deal with challenges. We may experience loneliness…Heavenly Father has not left us alone during our mortal probation...Hold fast, and believe that Heavenly Father will bless you for your diligence.
- Ann M. Dibb, Hold On
Nephi had said [this] previously about the brass plates: “We had obtained the records … and searched them and found that they were … of great worth unto us, insomuch that we could preserve the commandments of the Lord unto our children."...if it was wisdom for Lehi and his family to have the scriptures, it is just as wise for us today. The great worth and spiritual power of the scriptures continue undimmed in our lives today....The most important copy of the Book of Mormon is our personal copy. It is the copy that we read.
- Mark L. Pace, It Is Wisdom in the Lord That We Should Have the Book of Mormon
Joseph’s translation of the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God was foundational to the Restoration. The Book of Mormon is internally consistent, beautifully written, and contains the answers to life’s great questions. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. I testify that Joseph Smith was righteous, full of faith, and an instrument in the Lord’s hands in bringing forth the Book of Mormon.
- Quentin L. Cook, Conversion to the Will of God
Do you realize that the Book of Mormon was written for you—and for your day?...You now have easily within your reach the sacred record that prophets, priests, and kings treasured, embraced, and preserved! You have the benefit of holding in your hands the complete Book of Mormon. Interestingly, one of the Book of Mormon prophets, Moroni, saw our day—your day.
- Gary E. Stevenson, Look to the Book, Look to the Lord
As the early Apostles followed Jesus Christ and heard Him teach the gospel, they witnessed many miracles…Miracles, signs, and wonders abound among followers of Jesus Christ today, in your lives and in mine... Many of you have witnessed miracles, more than you realize. They may seem small in comparison to Jesus raising the dead. But the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God...miracles are a lifeline from heaven to earth.
- Ronald A. Rasband, “Behold! I Am a God of Miracles”
Inspiring Short: The Miracle of the Ordinary | Lawrence E. Corbridge
[O]ur Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, know us and love us. They know when we are in pain or suffering in any way...They feel the depth of our suffering, and we can feel of Their love and compassion in our suffering…When we wonder if we are known by our Savior and our Father in Heaven or how well They know us personally, we might remember the Savior’s words to Oliver Cowdery...The Savior reminded Oliver that He knew every detail of that pleading prayer.
- Linda S. Reeves, The Lord Has Not Forgotten You
Because He loves us, the Lord expects much of us. If we are humble, we will welcome the Lord’s invitations to repent, to sacrifice, and to serve as evidence of His perfect love for us. After all, an invitation to repent is also an invitation to receive the wonderful gift of forgiveness and peace. Therefore, “despise not … the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him: for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth.”
- S. Mark Palmer, Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him
We live at a time when many in the world have slipped from the moorings of safety found in compliance with the commandments. It is a time of permissiveness, with society in general routinely disregarding and breaking the laws of God. We often find ourselves swimming against the current, and sometimes it seems as though the current could carry us away...He has prepared us. If we heed His words and live the commandments, we will survive... He is ever mindful of us.
- President Thomas S. Monson, Closing Remarks
The way to receive personal revelation is really quite clear. We need to desire to receive revelation, we must not harden our hearts, and then we need to ask in faith, truly believe that we will receive an answer, and then diligently keep the commandments of God…Most often personal revelation will come as we study the scriptures, listen to and follow the counsel of prophets and other Church leaders, and seek to live faithful, righteous lives…The Lord desires to bless us with guidance, wisdom, and direction in our lives.
- Barbara Thompson, Personal Revelation and Testimony
The Bread Loaf Prayer | Come Learn with Me
[O]f all God’s remarkable creations, only we, His children, are created in His image and likeness. Only we, His children, have the capacity to develop our own spiritual convictions. And only we, His children, can give voice and expression to our witness of Him. We, His children, rejoice in our privilege and sacred obligation to bear record of Him and His gospel...it is [a] sacred privilege to help a child know the Creator of this world and to bear record of the love that He has for every one of His children.
- Susan L. Warner, Bear Record of Him
I testify that one cannot come to full faith in this latter-day work...until he or she embraces the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies... Witnesses, even witnesses who were for a time hostile to Joseph, testified to their death that they had seen an angel and had handled the plates. “They have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man,” they declared. “Wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true.”... I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true.
- Jeffrey R. Holland, Safety for the Soul
Why Were Three Key Witnesses Chosen to Testify of the Book of Mormon? (Knowhy #267)
During our sojourn in mortality, we often wrestle with what we think we know, what we think is best, and what we assume works for us, as opposed to comprehending what Heavenly Father actually knows, what is eternally best, and what absolutely works for children within His plan...[W]hen we choose to let God be the most powerful influence in our life over our self-serving pursuits, we can make progress in our discipleship...without the Lord’s inspiring guidance, we can justify almost anything we do or don’t do.
- Ulisses Soares, Aligning Our Will with His
I Will Go and Do: 2020 Youth Theme (feat. David Archuleta) — Official Music Video
We must remember to give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the blessings and gifts that have been given to us…Gratitude expressed to our Heavenly Father in prayer for what we have brings a calming peace... that helps us overcome the pain of adversity and failure. Gratitude on a daily basis means we express appreciation for what we have now without qualification for what we had in the past or desire in the future...Gratitude is a divine principle…
- Robert D. Hales, Gratitude for the Goodness of God
[T]he Lord provides direction for our journey according to the faith, diligence, and heed we give to that direction. He is not likely to reveal new paths if we have not faithfully followed Him along those He has already marked. Provident prospering along the way comes to those who diligently follow inspired counsel…prophets and apostles through the ages are our compass from the Lord. His direction through them is plain; the charted course from them is sure.
- Lowell M. Snow, Compass of the Lord
[W]hy would we listen to the faceless, cynical voices of those in the great and spacious buildings of our time and ignore the pleas of those who genuinely love us? These ever-present naysayers prefer to tear down rather than elevate and to ridicule rather than uplift...Is it wise to claim enlightenment from those who have no light to give or who may have private agendas hidden from us? …We must act, expecting that the Lord will fulfill His promise to lift us from the darkness if we draw near unto Him. The adversary, however, will try to convince us that we have never felt the influence of the Spirit and that it will be easier just to stop trying.
- Vern P. Stanfill, Choose the Light
Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness by Sister Sharon Eubank | April 2019 General Conference
If I were to ask you, “Who is the greatest leader who ever lived?”—what would you say? The answer, of course, is Jesus Christ. He sets the perfect example of every imaginable leadership quality...The world teaches that leaders must be mighty; the Lord teaches that they must be meek. Worldly leaders gain power and influence through their talent, skill, and wealth. Christlike leaders gain power and influence “by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned.”...If you are striving to be a follower of Christ, then you can help others follow Him and you can be a leader.
- Stephen W. Owen, The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers
Note: "Chapters 7–11 of Ether cover at least 28 generations. Although little detail can be given in such little space, a pattern quickly emerges about the consequences of righteous and wicked leadership." -CFM manual
What I thought was a mistake without mend was an opportunity for His merciful hand to be manifest…He was not done with me. What joy and relief filled my heart. I praised the Lord for His mercy,…[He] taught me more about His love and power to save each of us from our mistakes, weaknesses, and sins and to help us become something more.
Just as the depth of my gratitude for the Savior grew as He mercifully helped me to repair the “unrepairable”…so has my personal love and gratitude for my Savior intensified as I’ve sought to work with Him on my weaknesses and to be forgiven of my mistakes.
- Kristin M. Yee, The Joy of Our Redemption
Come Unto Christ: 2014 Theme Song
You and I can be repeatedly reassured concerning this grand hope by the Comforter, who teaches us the truth about “things as they really are, and … really will be”. Such hope constitutes the “anchor of the soul”. Such hope is retained through faith in Christ...
Sometimes in the deepest darkness there is no external light—only an inner light to guide and to reassure. Though “anchored” in grand and ultimate hope, some of our tactical hopes are another matter...Faith in Father’s plan gives us endurance even amid the wreckage of such proximate hopes. Hope keeps us “anxiously engaged” in good causes even when these appear to be losing causes. Hope helps us to walk by faith, not by sight.
- Neal A. Maxwell, "Brightness of Hope"
The Good News | #BecauseOfHim Easter 2022
It is interesting that [the] blind man, who didn’t have physical sight, recognized Jesus. He saw spiritually what he couldn’t see physically, while many others could see Jesus physically but were totally blind spiritually…keeping a clear spiritual vision is all about focusing on Jesus Christ...I am grateful for what I see. I clearly see the hand of the Lord in this sacred work and in my life. I see the faith of many wherever I go who strengthen my own faith. I see angels all around me. I see the faith of many who don’t see the Lord physically but recognize Him spiritually, because they know Him intimately... I am grateful for what I can see as I follow my Savior.
- Massimo De Feo, Rise! He Calleth Thee
It is a marvelous and wonderful thing that thousands are touched by the miracle of the Holy Spirit, that they believe and accept and become members. They are baptized. Their lives are forever touched for good. Miracles occur. A seed of faith comes into their hearts. It enlarges as they learn. And they accept principle upon principle, until they have every one of the marvelous blessings that come to those who walk with faith...It is faith that is the converter. It is faith that is the teacher…This precious and marvelous gift of faith, this gift from God our Eternal Father, is still the strength of this work and the quiet vibrancy of its message. Faith underlies it all. Faith is the substance of it all.
- President Gordon B. Hinckley, The Miracle of Faith
[W]e spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others—usually comparing our weaknesses to their strengths ...Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It’s wonderful that you have strengths. And it is part of your mortal experience that you do have weaknesses. God wants to help us to eventually turn all of our weaknesses into strengths, but He knows that this is a long-term goal. He wants us to become perfect, and if we stay on the path of discipleship, one day we will. It’s OK that you’re not quite there yet. Keep working on it
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not
From time to time...we go through periods of crisis and danger… The way we respond is crucial…[heed] the words of the prophets. This is one sure way to respond to physical and spiritual dangers of all kinds…In Doctrine and Covenants, section 21...the Lord declares: “Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them...” Prophets are inspired to provide us with prophetic priorities to protect us from dangers…it is our solemn responsibility to follow our prophet.
- Quentin L. Cook, Give Heed unto the Prophets’ Words
None of us can control nations or the actions of others or even members of our own families. But we can control ourselves...Bury any and all inclinations to hurt others—whether those inclinations be a temper, a sharp tongue, or a resentment for someone who has hurt you. The Savior commanded us to turn the other cheek, to love our enemies, and to pray for those who despitefully use us.
It can be painfully difficult to let go of anger that feels so justified...I know what I’m suggesting is not easy. But followers of Jesus Christ should set the example for all the world to follow.
- President Russell M. Nelson, The Power of Spiritual Momentum
The enemy and his angels are trying to distract us. Their purpose is to encourage us to deviate from the covenants that we have made with the Lord, causing us to lose sight of our eternal inheritance...Despite the opposition we face…this is a war that we can and will win…All of us can receive the strength to choose the right if we seek the Lord and place all our trust and faith in Him…Through His atoning sacrifice, we can gain the courage to win all the wars of our time, even in the midst of our difficulties, challenges, and temptations.
- Ulisses Soares, Yes, We Can and Will Win!
The Lord Loves Effort | General Conference April 2020
Having Courage & Trusting the Lord: Stand Up for What You Believe In
You don’t have to face the experiences of this life alone, nor have you been sent here to fail....your Father in Heaven gave you a gift to celebrate your official entrance into His kingdom on earth. The Holy Spirit can be with you always and guide you back to Him, but in order to enjoy the benefits of this holy gift, you must truly receive it, and then you must use it in your life. How sad it would be to be given such a precious gift and then set it aside and never use it...To bless you, the gift of peace that the Holy Spirit brings has been given to you...I pray that we will receive and use this sacred gift from God…
- Margaret D. Nadauld, A Comforter, a Guide, a Testifier
What is the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Through the priesthood many other blessings are also available to all of the sons and daughters of God, making it possible for us to make sacred covenants and receive holy ordinances that enable us to travel that strait and narrow way back to our Father in Heaven...Under the direction of…prophets, seers, and revelators, who hold the keys in this dispensation, priesthood holders in the Church today have the legitimate right to act in the name of God. As his authorized agents, they are commissioned to go forth and bless others through the power and authority of the priesthood, making all priesthood covenants, ordinances, and blessings available today.
- Robert D. Hales, Blessings of the Priesthood
Why Did Moroni Provide the Exact Wording of Priesthood Ordinances? (Knowhy #587)
[T]he best way I know of to draw closer to God is to prepare conscientiously and partake worthily of the sacrament each week…The sacrament truly helps us know our Savior. It also reminds us of His innocent suffering…No matter where you stand in your relationship to God, I invite you to draw nearer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Benefactors and Givers of all that is good...I invite you to feel God’s nearness as He is made known to you, as He was to the disciples of old...As you do, I promise that you will feel nearer to God.
- Dale G. Renlund, “That I Might Draw All Men unto Me”
Sacrament: A Bible Story for Children
[T]hrough the ordinance of baptism, we make a covenant with our Heavenly Father. We prepare ourselves for baptism by having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and being willing to take upon us the name of Christ. We make a commitment to keep the commandments of God and remember the Savior always. We covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light.” We indicate that we are willing to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who need comfort.
- Barbara Thompson, Cleave unto the Covenants
We are strengthened by associating with others of like minds. In church attendance and participation, our hearts are, as the Bible says, “knit together in love."…Church attendance can open our hearts and sanctify our souls. In a church we don’t just serve alone or by our own choice or at our convenience. We usually serve in a team...Church attendance gives us the strength and enhancement of faith that come from associating with other believers and worshipping together with those who are also striving to stay on the covenant path and be better disciples of Christ.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, The Need for a Church
Disciple of Christ | Official 2024 Theme Music Video | #christianmusic
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus – Emily Brown – Music Video
The Light of Christ is that divine power or influence that emanates from God through Jesus Christ. It gives light and life to all things. It prompts all rational individuals throughout the earth to distinguish truth from error, right from wrong. It activates your conscience. Its influence can be weakened through transgression and addiction and restored through proper repentance...It is a power and influence that comes from God and when followed can lead a person to qualify for the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
- Richard G. Scott, Peace of Conscience and Peace of Mind
At times, having faith in Jesus Christ may seem like something impossible, almost unattainable. We may think that coming unto Christ requires a strength, power, and perfection we don’t have, and we just can’t find the energy to do it all. But what I have learned…is that faith in Jesus Christ is what gives us the energy to begin the journey. Sometimes we may think, “I need to fix my life before I come to Jesus,” but the truth is that we come to Jesus to fix our lives through Him.
- Joaquin E. Costa, The Power of Jesus Christ in Our Lives Every Day
I Will Go and Do: 2020 Youth Theme (feat. David Archuleta) — Official Music Video
The Savior’s infinite Atonement completely changes the way we may view our transgressions and imperfections. Instead of dwelling on them and feeling irredeemable or hopeless, we can learn from them and feel hopeful…The Savior always teaches timeless truths. They apply to people of every age and in any circumstance. His message was and is a message of hope and belonging…Open your hearts to our Savior and Redeemer, no matter your circumstances, trials, sufferings, or mistakes; you can know that He lives, that He loves you, and that because of Him, you will never be alone.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, God among Us
[T]he Savior is inviting us to live a higher, holier way—His way of love where all can feel they truly belong and are needed…Living His way brings joy and peace, and He invited others to that way of living with gentleness, kindness, and love...As we incrementally learn to do what He asks of us—not out of duty or even for the blessings we might receive but purely out of love for Him and our Heavenly Father—His love will flow through us and make all that He asks not only possible but eventually much easier and lighter and more joyful than we could ever imagine.
- J. Annette Dennis, His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light
The Good Samaritan: A Bible Story for Children
The Lord extends special protection to children and shares jurisdiction with earthly parents...They cannot sin until they reach the age of accountability, which the Lord has declared to be eight years...Because all children who die before the age of accountability are pure, innocent, and wholly sin-free, they are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven. Understanding the special status of little children before God, because of their pure and innocent nature, brings understanding of the Lord’s commandment to “repent, and become as a little child, and be baptized in [His] name”.
- Merlin R. Lybbert, The Special Status of Children
It is when we become angry that we get into trouble. The road rage that affects our highways is a hateful expression of anger. I dare say that most of the inmates of our prisons are there because they did something when they were angry. In their wrath they swore, they lost control of themselves, and terrible things followed, even murder. There were moments of offense followed by years of regret…Anger is the mother of a whole brood of evil actions.
- President Gordon B. Hinckley, Slow to Anger
Increase Your Daily Energy to Act, Love, and Lift Like the Savior
When Anger Mounts - The Spoken Word
In order for us to be strong and to withstand all the forces pulling us in the wrong direction or all the voices encouraging us to take the wrong path, we must have our own testimony. Whether you are 12 or 112—or anywhere in between—you can know for yourself that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Read the Book of Mormon. Ponder its teachings. Ask Heavenly Father if it is true...When we know the Book of Mormon is true, then it follows that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet and that he saw God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
- President Thomas S. Monson, Dare to Stand Alone
The Story of the Book of Mormon: The Plates of Mormon
Katie Payne's Miraculous Book of Mormon Testimony
To know the truth, we need to live the gospel and “experiment” on the word. We are cautioned to not resist the Spirit of the Lord...Patient covenant keeping increases our humility, deepens our desire to know truth, and allows the Holy Ghost to “guide [us] in wisdom’s paths that [we] may be blessed, prospered, and preserved.”…I have found great comfort in the Lord’s promise that “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” Without knowing everything, we can know the truth.
- David F. Evans, The Truth of All Things
All May Know the Truth: Moroni’s Promise | Mormon 8–9; Moroni 1, 10
God-given gifts make gifted people. Looking through a gospel lens, God endows His children with many spiritual gifts, making them spiritually gifted people. Covenant-keeping members of the Church are bestowed with gifts of the Spirit...The Lord invites us to earnestly seek the best gifts, even spiritual gifts. He gives spiritual gifts to bless us and to use in blessing others…Latter-day Saints should be gifted, covenant-keeping people. Nonetheless, it remains for each of us to seek to exercise our spiritual gifts and then to invite and learn to recognize promptings of the Spirit.
- Gary E. Stevenson, Promptings of the Spirit
Would that every ear could hear the last testimony of Moroni, this giant among men, this humble servant of God...Do you wish to know—really know—the truth? Then follow Moroni’s counsel and you will surely find what you seek. Be sincere. Study. Ponder. Pray sincerely, having faith. If you do these things, you too will be able to stand with the millions who testify that God once again speaks to man on earth…The more we study the scriptures and pray, the more likely we can enthusiastically share our testimonies of the gospel with others.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin, Pure Testimony
The Book of Mormon: President Monson's testimony
The Power of The Book of Mormon
Shaquille’s Story about the Book of Mormon | ComeUntoChrist.org
Prophets, ancient and modern, have urged us to come unto Christ...The admonition to “come unto Christ” is the hub around which everything in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…revolves—and for good reason. The verb come implies action on our part...There are no disclaimers or exceptions in His invitation. We are the ones who determine whether or not we will come unto Him. The drawing near, seeking, asking, and knocking are up to us...When we come to know that Jesus is the Christ, our lives can never be the same again.
- Sheri L. Dew, “Are You the Woman I Think You Are?”
Come Unto Christ: 2014 Theme Song
An Invitation to Come Unto Christ
Becoming perfected in Christ...is the process—lovingly guided by the Holy Ghost—of becoming more like the Savior. The standards are set by a kind and all-knowing Heavenly Father and clearly defined in the covenants we are invited to embrace...As we accept the Savior’s invitation to come unto Him, we soon realize that our best is good enough and that the grace of a loving Savior will make up the difference in ways we cannot imagine…The Savior stands ready to accept our humble offerings and perfect them through His grace...We must have the courage to believe that His grace is for us...
- Vern P. Stanfill, The Imperfect Harvest
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus – Emily Brown – Music Video
Ballet and the Book of Mormon—Practicing for Perfection
Moroni Preserves the Record for the Latter Days | Moroni 10; Title Page
Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem is not the beginning of the story, and Calvary is not the end. The scriptures teach that He was “in the beginning … with God” in the premortal Council in Heaven. We also were there, where we...learned that He would perform the central role as Creator and Redeemer of the world. We shouted for joy as we embraced our Father’s great plan of happiness...Christ was born...He lived among us, gave His life for us, was resurrected, and ultimately “finished the work which [His Father gave Him] to do.
- Craig C. Christensen, The Fulness of the Story of Christmas
Light of The World - Lauren Daigle (Christmas story)
For many people today, their vision of what is real and most important—Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world—is blurred by things that are not real…Without Christ, there would be no Christmas. Without Christ, there can be no fulness of joy. Without His birth and His Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.
- Gary E. Stevenson, The Reality of Christmas
Handel's Messiah: Debtors Prison
So how do we increase our faith in Christ? We feast on and obey His word. Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, “The central purpose of all scripture is to fill our souls with faith in God the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ.” This truth is found throughout the Book of Mormon. King Benjamin, for example, taught his people the words he received from an angel, which helped them have “exceeding faith” in Jesus Christ...God offers His priceless gifts freely to us at Christmas and throughout the year.
- Douglas D. Holmes, The Gift of the Holy Ghost
Iam Tongi - Silent Night (feat. Rexburg Children's Choir)
Christ the babe was born for you!…If we remember anything or feel anything this Christmas season, it should be that we are His...He was born to lift each one of us personally. And if He’s anyone’s, He is most certainly yours. Christ the babe was born for you… In those most sacred minutes of your whole week, if you’re feeling crushed, imagine Him calling you by name, and go to Him. See your Savior in your mind’s eye, with His arms open and bright countenance extended to you...
- Tamara W. Runia, Christ the Babe Was Born for You
Inspiring Short: Christ the Savior Is Born | Russell M. Nelson
Because the Savior was born, lived a sinless life, atoned for us, and was resurrected, each of us receives the great gift of resurrection from the dead. Not one soul who ever lived on the earth is deprived of this remarkable gift...His birth can’t be separated from the reason He came to earth…He was born to save. To save you and to save me. What an incomparable gift that can only be given by Him.
- Paul V. Johnson, Christ Was Born to Save
God is in Relentless Pursuit of You
A Worldwide Celebration of Jesus Christ's Birth | Light the World
The gift of the Son of God is a priceless gift. He is the gift that lights our way and lifts us. He is the gift that sustains us through the difficult days of our mortal journey. He is the gift that offers divine love, lasting hope, and true joy...The baby in the manger was the Son of God, sent as a gift from the Father to become our Savior. Through the joy we feel because of His coming, our burdens can be made light...And in the midst of our reverie, we give gratitude to God for the glorious gift...
- President Henry B. Eyring, The Promised Messiah