Jesus Christ is at the center of all covenants we make, and covenant blessings are made possible because of His atoning sacrifice.
Baptism by immersion is the symbolic gate through which we enter into a covenant relationship with God. Being immersed in the water and coming up again is symbolic of the Savior’s death and Resurrection to new life. As we are baptized, we symbolically die and are born again into the family of Christ and show we are willing to take His name upon us. We ourselves embody that covenant symbolism.
- J. Annette Dennis, Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ
[L]et’s talk...about what it really means to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and how our baptism can bless our lives…Baptism is our spiritual rebirth. It cleanses us from head to toe and allows us the companionship of the Savior through the gift of the Holy Ghost. He will accompany each of us along the road of life...[W]hen we are baptized and confirmed...we become members of Christ’s Church and commit to follow Him...After our baptism, each of us has the blessing of being responsible for every action in our lives.
- Carol B. Thomas, Spiritual Power of Our Baptism
From the beginning, God has sought to gather and organize His children “to bring to pass [our] immortality and eternal life.” With that purpose in mind, He has instructed us to build places of worship where we...gather together often to remember Jesus and strengthen each other in Him...let us realize how privileged we are to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, where we can unite our faith, hearts, strengths, minds, and hands for Him to perform His mighty miracles…May we respond to this divine invitation and joyfully assemble, organize, prepare, and sanctify ourselves…
- Reyna I. Aburto, We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Our watchmen on the tower are known to us as apostles and prophets. They are our spiritual eyes in the sky, and they know, through inspiration and insight and pure intelligence, the course these storms may take. They continue to raise their voices in warning to tell us of the tragic consequences of willful and wanton violations of the Lord’s commandments. To intentionally ignore their warnings is to court misery, sorrow, and ruin. To follow them is to follow the chosen servants of the Lord into spiritual pastures of peace and plenty.
- David R. Stone, Spiritual Hurricanes
Your joy in life depends upon your trust in Heavenly Father and His holy Son, your conviction that their plan of happiness truly can bring you joy...When you trust in the Lord, when you are willing to let your heart and your mind be centered in His will, when you ask to be led by the Spirit to do His will, you are assured of the greatest happiness along the way and the most fulfilling attainment from this mortal experience…The Lord has said, “Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.” As you are patient, you will come to understand what the statement “I am with thee” means.
- Richard G. Scott, Finding Joy in Life
Many carry heavy burdens…many are heavy laden...sometimes we are “healed” by being given strength or understanding or patience to bear the burdens placed upon us. The people who followed Alma were in bondage to wicked oppressors. When they prayed for relief, the Lord told them He would deliver them eventually, but in the meantime He would ease their burdens...the people did not have their burdens removed, but the Lord strengthened them...The healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ—whether it removes our burdens or strengthens us to endure and live with them…is available for every affliction in mortality.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, He Heals the Heavy Laden
[T]he Church is all about people. It is all about you, the Lord’s disciples—those who love and follow Him and who have taken His name upon them by covenant… Our sole aim is to invite each son and daughter of God to come unto Christ and to guide him or her along the covenant path. Nothing is more important. Our work is all about people and covenants.
- Gérald Caussé, It Is All about People
As we are personally in tune with the Spirit of the Lord and feel His acceptance, we will be blessed above our understanding and bring forth many fruits of righteousness. We will be among those to whom He has said, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”...We will gain increased confidence that He will lead us and direct us for good.
- Erich W. Kopischke, Being Accepted of the Lord
As you consider your own life, are there things that you need to change? Have you made mistakes that still need to be corrected?...I invite you to seek relief. Repent and forsake your sins. Then, in prayer, ask God for forgiveness. Seek forgiveness from those you have wronged. Forgive those who have wronged you. Forgive yourself.
- C. Scott Grow, The Miracle of the Atonement
We observe that in the scriptures, fasting almost always is linked with prayer...If we want our fasting to be more than just going without eating, we must lift our hearts, our minds, and our voices in communion with our Heavenly Father. Fasting, coupled with mighty prayer, is powerful. It can fill our minds with the revelations of the Spirit. It can strengthen us against times of temptation... Often when we fast, our righteous prayers and petitions have greater power. Testimonies grow. We mature spiritually and emotionally and sanctify our souls.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin, The Law of the Fast
I testify that God hears every prayer we offer and responds to each of them according to the path He has outlined for our perfection…It is for reasons known only to God why prayers are answered differently than we hope—but I promise you they are heard and they are answered according to His unfailing love and cosmic timetable. If we “ask not amiss,” there are no limits to when, where, or about what we should pray. According to the revelations, we are to “pray always.” We are to pray…for “those who are around you,” with the belief that the “fervent prayer of a righteous [people] availeth much.”
- President Jeffrey R. Holland, Motions of a Hidden Fire
A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ...No other discipline compares … in either requirements or rewards. It involves the total transformation of a person from the state of the natural man to that of [a] saint... A dramatic change occurs in the lives of individuals when they dedicate themselves to becoming disciples of the Lord. One of the most vivid examples I can think of from the scriptures is the conversion of young Alma and the change that occurred in his very countenance as he became a disciple of the Lord.
- L. Tom Perry, Discipleship
Alma 1:2-15 (7-8)
[I]n the Book of Mormon, we read of three anti-Christs. Each was deceived, each preached against those who believed in Christ, and each sought openly to destroy the church of God. Their patterns of deceit were similar. They taught false doctrines, spread lies, referred to prophecies as foolish traditions, accused Church leaders of perverting the right way of God, and baited the people by referring to their faith as a foolish and vain hope... We walk in uncharted mine fields and place our souls in jeopardy when we receive the teachings of anyone except he that is ordained of God.
- Carlos E. Asay, Opposition to the Work of God
To be a follower of Christ is to strive to conform our actions, conduct, and lives to those of the Savior. It is to acquire virtues. It is to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ…Humility brings gentle answers. It is the source of a righteous character. Elder Dale G. Renlund taught: “Individuals who walk humbly with God remember what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have done for them.. We act honorably with God by walking humbly with Him”.
- Alfred Kyungu, To Be a Follower of Christ
What does it mean to be a Saint? In the Lord’s Church, the members are Latter-day Saints, and they attempt to emulate the Savior, follow His teachings, and receive saving ordinances in order to live in the celestial kingdom with God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. The Savior said, “This is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do.”
It is not easy to be a Latter-day Saint. It was not meant to be easy...If we are to be worthy Saints, we should minister to others and adhere to the Savior’s admonition to love God and our fellowmen
- Quentin L. Cook, Are You a Saint?
[W]e have a responsibility to render service in our communities. We should work to improve our neighborhoods, our schools, our cities, and our towns. I commend those in our midst who, regardless of their political persuasion, work within our local, state, and national governments to improve our lives. Likewise, I commend those who volunteer their time and resources to support worthy community and charitable causes, which bless the lives of others and make the world a better place.
- Steven E. Snow, Service
Every mortal has at least a casual if not intimate relationship with the sin of pride. No one has avoided it; few overcome it… Pride is sinful…because it breeds hatred or hostility and places us in opposition to God and our fellowmen....We can be grateful for our health, wealth, possessions, or positions, but…when we become obsessed with our status; when we focus on our own importance, power, or reputation...that’s when the trouble begins.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Pride and the Priesthood
Simply stated, testimony—real testimony, born of the Spirit and confirmed by the Holy Ghost—changes lives. It changes how you think and what you do. It changes what you say. It affects every priority you set and every choice you make …To bear testimony is “to bear witness by the power of the Holy Ghost; to make a solemn declaration of truth based on personal knowledge or belief”... Clear declaration of truth makes a difference in people’s lives. That is what changes hearts. That is what the Holy Ghost can confirm in the hearts of God’s children.
- M. Russell Ballard, Pure Testimony
Alma the Younger poses a series of questions to contemporaries of the people of Ammon that figuratively biopsy spiritually changed hearts. Alma asks, “If ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?” He further asks if they have been sufficiently humble, free of pride and envy, and kind toward their fellowman. By honestly answering questions like these, we can correct early deviations from the strait and narrow path and keep our covenants with exactness.
- Dale G. Renlund, Preserving the Heart’s Mighty Change
[O]ur Good Shepherd “calleth his own sheep by name. … They know his voice.” And “in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ.” As we seek with real intent to follow Jesus Christ, inspiration comes to do good, to love God, and to serve Him. As we study, ponder, and pray; as we regularly renew sacramental and temple covenants; and as we invite all to come to His gospel and ordinances, we are hearkening to His voice.
- Gerrit W. Gong, Good Shepherd, Lamb of God
Our testimony comes by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. The testimony received and carried within us enables us to hold a steady course in times of prosperity and to overcome doubt and fear in times of adversity…It is a personal revelation from God, revealing the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A testimony comes through the Holy Ghost; it makes a deep and lasting impression on the soul.
- Robert D. Hales, The Importance of Receiving a Personal Testimony
We gather this beautiful Sabbath morning to speak of Christ, rejoice in His gospel, and support and sustain one another as we walk in “the way” of our Savior...we assemble for this purpose every Sabbath day throughout the year...We invite all to come, hear the word of God, and partake of His goodness! I bear my personal witness that God is among us and that He will surely draw near to all who draw near to Him. We consider it an honor to walk with you in the Master’s strait and narrow path of discipleship.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Daily Restoration
The prophet Alma in the Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus not only took upon Himself our sins but also our pains, afflictions, and temptations. Alma also explains that Jesus took upon Himself our sicknesses, death, and our infirmities.This He did, Alma said, so that His “bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know … how to succor his people”…He knows us. He understands the way in which we deal with temptations. He knows our weaknesses. But more than that, more than just knowing us, He knows how to help us if we come to Him in faith.
- Merrill J. Batemen, A Pattern for All
When we agree to believe in the truth and to follow it, and when we make an effort to become true disciples of Jesus Christ, we do not receive a certificate with a guarantee that we will not make mistakes, that we will not be tempted to walk away from the truth, that we will not be criticized, or even that we will not experience afflictions. But the knowledge of the truth teaches that when we enter the strait and narrow path that will take us back to the presence of Heavenly Father...we have a guarantee that we will never be alone when we go through afflictions, for God visits His people in the midst of their afflictions.
- Denelson Silva, Courage to Proclaim the Truth
[T]here are plenty of opportunities to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ with people you meet, study with, and live with or work and socialize with…As you share the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ, do so with love and patience. If we interact with people with the sole expectation that they soon will don a white jumpsuit and ask for directions to the nearest baptismal font, we’re doing it wrong.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart
Someone has said a true friend is someone who makes it easier to live the gospel of Jesus Christ…don’t ever be led into displeasing your Father in Heaven by your friends who might ask that as a condition of being your friend, you must choose between their way and the Lord’s way...Choose your friends wisely. They will provide the foundation of spiritual strength that will enable you to make difficult, extremely important decisions correctly when they come in your life.
- Malcolm S. Jeppsen, Who Is a True Friend?
[W]e, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, have chosen not to be ordinary men and women…it is not enough to go through the motions of being baptized and confirmed, but rather we have to fulfill and honor the commitment that we made with the Lord on that memorable day...[An] important principle to remember in doing “all we can do” is to…share the blessings of joy that come from living the gospel of happiness.
- Claudio D. Zivic, After All We Can Do
[S]tudy the Savior’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His cleansing of the temple, His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, His Crucifixion, His glorious Resurrection, and His subsequent appearances to His followers. Savor these sacred verses and find every way you can to thank our Heavenly Father for sending us His Only Begotten Son. Because of Jesus Christ, we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. Because of Him, each of us will be resurrected.
- President Russell M. Nelson, The Answer is Always Jesus Christ
The heart is a tender place. It is sensitive to many influences, both positive and negative. It can be hurt by others. It can be deadened by sin. It can be softened by love. Early in our lives, we learn to guard our hearts. It is like we erect a fence around our hearts with a gate in it. No one can enter that gate unless we allow him or her to…[T]he condition of our hearts directly affects our sensitivity to spiritual things. Let us make it a part of our everyday striving to open our hearts to the Spirit.
- Gerald N. Lund, Opening Our Hearts
In the planned mortal life, we would be soiled by sin as we faced the opposition necessary for our spiritual growth. We would also become subject to physical death. To reclaim us from death and sin, our Heavenly Father’s plan would provide a Savior. His Resurrection would redeem all from death, and His atoning sacrifice would pay the price necessary for all to be cleansed from sin on the conditions prescribed to promote our growth. This Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to the Father’s plan.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, The Great Plan
To be redeemed is to be atoned—received in the close embrace of God with an expression not only of His forgiveness, but of our oneness of heart and mind...Essential ordinances of the gospel symbolize the Atonement. Baptism by immersion is symbolic of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Redeemer. Partaking of the sacrament renews baptismal covenants and also renews our memory of the Savior’s broken flesh and of the blood He shed for us. Ordinances of the temple symbolize our reconciliation with the Lord and seal families together forever.
- President Russell M. Nelson, The Atonement
It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed. We can become virtuous and pure. However, sometimes our poor choices leave us with long-term consequences…We are all in desperate need of the redemptive power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Each of us must repent of any rebellion. “For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.” He cannot because He knows what it takes to become like Him... Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, each of us can become clean.
- Richard G. Scott, Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
To find rest unto our souls includes peace of mind and heart, which is the result of learning and following the doctrine of Christ, and becoming Christ’s extended hands in serving and helping others. Faith in Jesus Christ and following His teachings give us a firm hope, and this hope becomes a solid anchor to our souls…The promise to enter into the rest of the Lord, to receive the gift of peace, is far from a temporary, worldly satisfaction. It is indeed a heavenly gift.
- Per G. Malm, Rest unto Your Souls
Our Father is willing to guide each of us along His covenant path with steps designed to our individual need and tailored to His plan for our ultimate happiness with Him. We can anticipate a growing trust and faith in the Father and the Son, an increasing sense of Their love, and the consistent comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Even so, this path cannot be easy for any of us. There is too much refining needed for it to be easy… no matter what our mortal experience may entail, we can trust God and find joy in Him.
- D. Todd Christofferson, Our Relationship with God
[Jesus Christ] gives us much, much more than the value of what we can ever return to Him...In return for His priceless payment for each of us, the Lord asks us for a change of heart. The change He requests from us is not for His benefit but for ours…[A] change of heart meant putting off the natural man or woman and yielding to the Spirit as [we strive] to become more like Jesus Christ…We can adjust our habits, alter our thoughts, and refine our character to become more like Him. And with His help, we can keep the change.
- Becky Craven, Keep the Change
As we ponder what it means to be Christians today, think about what our path of discipleship will require of us… We manifest our love for God when we keep His commandments and serve His children. We don’t fully comprehend the Atonement, but we can spend our lives trying to be more loving and kind, regardless of the adversity we face...As His disciples, there will be times when we will be tried and persecuted unjustly and mocked unfairly and face temporal and spiritual storms of a magnitude that will seem unbearable to us and experience bitter cups that we pray would pass from us. No one is exempt from the storms of life.
- Quentin L. Cook, We Follow Jesus Christ
[D]raw close to the Lord…by taking appropriate time to read the scriptures daily, having earnest prayer, and fasting. These practices will help your testimony grow...Take a time-out to pray each morning and night and as often in between as needed....He hears your prayers. He cares about you. He wants you to succeed in living the gospel...In a sincere fast, we are given an open invitation by the Lord to draw close to him, to open our hearts to him, to feel his Spirit and pure love. It’s a time to recommit to obeying his commandments…While many…today are starving spiritually, you can grow spiritually.
- Russell C. Taylor, Making Points for Righteousness
Additional VIDEO: Lucy and the Ladder | A Story About Taking Small Steps
[A] person does not need to have a Church calling, an invitation to help someone, or even good health to become an instrument in God’s hands. How then do you and I become instruments in God’s hands? The prophets and the scriptures teach us how.…God has asked us to journey, go on missions, accept callings, invite someone to church, or help someone in need...Do we really want to be instruments in God’s hands?...I invite all of us to follow the counsel of the prophets and become instruments in the hands of God and be among His treasures because we have helped His children.
- Don R. Clarke, Being Instruments in the Hands of God
There are times when the Lord reveals to us things that are intended only for us. Nevertheless, in many, many cases He entrusts a testimony of the truth to those who will share it with others...the Lord expects the members of His Church to “open [their mouths] at all times, declaring [His] gospel with the sound of rejoicing…
The most effective way to preach the gospel is through example...One of the greatest sermons ever pronounced on missionary work is this simple thought attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.” Opportunities to do so are all around us.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Waiting on the Road to Damascus
Additional VIDEO: Ammon Teaches King Lamoni about the Gospel of Jesus Christ | Alma 18
Changing a profoundly embedded pattern of life can be very difficult. Former friends can ridicule, criticize, and even persecute. Persistent faith in the Savior and obedience will see you through such hardships to greater blessings...I encourage you…to recognize the long-term blessings of peace and happiness that come from a decision to place Father in Heaven, His plan, and His Son at the center of their priorities. Follow Ammon’s example. He patiently taught King Lamoni to recognize and to abandon incorrect traditions.
- Richard G. Scott, Removing Barriers to Happiness
Additional VIDEO: Repentance: A Joyful Choice
[T]he covenant to combine kindness with bearing witness has great power to change lives. Thousands of times every day members of the Church are watched…by people curious to know something about our lives...What they think of what we say may depend largely on how much they sense we care for them...And when they find our concern sincere, the Holy Spirit can more easily touch them to allow us to teach and to testify.
- President Henry B. Eyring, Witnesses for God
The Lord loves our righteousness but asks of us continued repentance and submission...When the [Lamanite] king understood the sacrifice required, he humbled and prostrated himself and then prayed, “O God, … I will give away all my sins to know thee.” This is the exchange the Savior is asking of us: we are to give up all our sins, big or small, for the Father’s reward of eternal life...We are to separate ourselves from all worldliness and take upon us the image of God in our countenances.
- Robert C. Gay, What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul?
Additional VIDEO: The Baby Chick | A Story About Sincere Prayer
How can you become converted? How can you make the gospel of Jesus Christ not just an influence in your life but the controlling influence and, indeed, the very core of what you are?…to be converted, you must not only open your heart to a knowledge of the gospel and the love of God, you must practice the gospel law. You cannot fully understand or appreciate it unless you personally apply it in your life...The gospel won’t be just an influence in your life—it will be what you are. Plead with God in the name of Christ to write the gospel in your mind that you may have understanding and in your heart that you may love to do His will.
- D. Todd Christofferson, When Thou Art Converted
[W]hen we truly are in awe of Jesus Christ and His gospel, we are happier, we have more enthusiasm for God’s work, and we recognize the Lord’s hand…all these things strengthen our spiritual wonder regarding the gospel and move us to joyfully keep the covenants we make with the Lord…we need to immerse ourselves with faith and real intent in the Savior’s teachings, striving to incorporate His attributes into our way of being...The Lord Himself promised that He would direct our paths if we would trust in Him with all our hearts, acknowledging Him in all our ways and not leaning on our own understanding.
- Ulisses Soares, In Awe of Christ and His Gospel
Additional VIDEO 1: Sophia's Baptism Promises | Growing Faith
Sharing the gospel kindles joy and hope in the souls of both giver and receiver. Truly, “how great shall be your joy” as you share the gospel! Sharing the gospel is joy upon joy, hope upon hope… Joy. Hope. Sustaining power from God. Protection from temptation. Healing. All of these—and more (including forgiveness of sins)—distill upon us from heaven as we share the gospel...Be you and hold up the light. Pray for heaven’s help and follow spiritual promptings. Share your life normally and naturally; invite another person to come and see, to come and help, and to come and belong. And then rejoice as you and those you love receive the promised blessings.
- Marcus B. Nash, Hold Up Your Light
[N]o matter what kind of storm is battering us—regardless of whether there is a solution to it or whether there is an end in sight—there is only one refuge, and it is the same for all types of storms. This single refuge provided by our Heavenly Father is our Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement…As we face the storms of life, I know that if we make our best effort and rely upon Jesus Christ and His Atonement as our refuge, we will be blessed with the relief, comfort, strength, temperance, and peace that we are seeking…
- Ricardo P. Giménez, Finding Refuge from the Storms of Life
God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were. He cares that we keep on trying.
…In His mercy, God promises forgiveness when we repent and turn from wickedness—so much so that our sins will not even be mentioned to us. For us, because of the Atonement of Christ and our repentance, we can look at our past deeds and say, “’Twas I; but ’tis not I.” No matter how wicked, we can say, “That’s who I was. But that past wicked self is no longer who I am.”
- Dale G. Renlund, Latter-day Saints Keep on Trying
If we can lift others in Christ’s name, surely we can also be lifted…God knows the needs of His children, and He often works through us, prompting us to help one another. When we act on such promptings, we tread on holy ground, for we are allowed the opportunity to serve as an agent of God in answering a prayer…I picture wards and branches where friends of all ages and backgrounds stand together and model their lives on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Kathleen H. Hughes, What Greater Goodness Can We Know: Christlike Friends
The Book of Mormon is a voice of warning to this generation…Among the lessons we learn from the Book of Mormon are the cause and effect of war and under what conditions it is justified. It tells of evils and dangers of secret combinations, which are built up to get power and gain over the people. It tells of the reality of Satan and gives an indication of some of the methods he uses...It warns us against pride, indifference, procrastination, the dangers of false traditions, hypocrisy, and unchastity.
- L. Tom Perry, Blessings Resulting from Reading the Book of Mormon
Alma 30 All Things Denote There Is a God (Story of Korihor the Anti-Christ)
Jesus Christ is both the purpose of our focus and the intent of our destination. To help us to remain fixed and heading in the right direction, the Savior invites us to see our lives through Him in order to see more of Him in our lives...He directs our mouths to testify of Him, our hands to lift and serve as He would lift and serve, our eyes to see the world and each other as He does—“as they really are, and … as they really will be.” And as we allow Him to direct us in all things, we receive testimony that “all things denote there is a God,” because where we look for Him we will find Him—each and every day.
- Tracy Y. Browning, Seeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives
There are many things…that can distract us from focusing on Christ and eternal things that are “down the road.” The devil is the great distractor...The adversary seems determined to get good people to do nothing, or at least to waste their time on things that will distract them from their lofty purposes and goals. For example, some things that are healthy diversions in moderation can become unhealthy distractions without discipline. The adversary understands that distractions do not have to be bad or immoral to be effective.
- Alvin F. Meredith III, Look down the Road
Additional VIDEOS:
Sherem Denies Christ | Jacob 7
Alma had learned that the Zoramites, who “had had the word of God preached unto them,” were turning to idol worship and “perverting the ways of the Lord.” All of this weighed heavily on Alma and was “the cause of great sorrow.” Finding himself in these complex and challenging circumstances, Alma pondered what should be done...Among many possible solutions, Alma’s faith led them to rely on the power of the word. It is no coincidence that some of the most powerful sermons found anywhere in scripture were preached immediately following that decision. …In all our efforts, let us remember to try the virtue of the word of God, which is in us.
- Mark D. Eddy, The Virtue of the Word
Additional VIDEO:
Shaquille’s Story about the Book of Mormon |
We must all strive to become more humble. Humility is essential to gain the blessings of the gospel. Humility enables us to have broken hearts when we sin or make mistakes and makes it possible for us to repent...On the other hand, unnecessary pride can dissolve family relationships, break up marriages, and destroy friendships...Simply living life can be and often is a humbling experience...If we choose to be spiritually attuned and remain humble and teachable, our prayers become more earnest and faith and testimony will grow as we overcome the tribulations of mortal existence.
- Steven E. Snow, Be Thou Humble
At the very moment we say, “Father in Heaven,” He hears our prayers and is sensitive to us and our needs. And so His eyes and His ears are now connected to you. He reads our minds, and He feels our hearts. You cannot hide anything from Him...So a moment of prayer is a very, very sacred moment. He is not one to say, “No, I will not listen to you now because you only come to me when you are in trouble.” Only men do that. He is not one to say, “Oh, you cannot imagine how busy I am now.” Only men say that.
- Juan A. Uceda, The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Pray
Additional VIDEO:
[W]e need...a willingness to be instructed. While many naturally hunger and thirst after righteousness, others may be compelled to be humble. Some of us, rather than follow instructions or change ourselves, would simply like to change the rules...By being teachable, we activate the full force and blessings of the Atonement in our lives. We become sensitive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit so that the righteous principles taught by the prophets and the truths from the earth can place Christ deeply into our lives. We become His true disciples.
- Robert R. Steuer, Being Teachable
Additional Videos:
In the Book of Mormon, [Alma] compared the word to a seed that must be planted and nourished, and he described “the word” as the life, mission, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ...The seed we should strive to plant in our hearts is the word—even the life, mission, and doctrine of Jesus Christ. And as the word is nourished by faith, it can become a tree springing up in us unto everlasting life...Is the Word in us? Are the truths of the Savior’s gospel written in the fleshy tables of our hearts?
- David A. Bednar, “Abide in Me, and I in You; Therefore Walk with Me”
Additional Videos:
Faith is Like Planting a Seed | Animated Scripture Lesson for Kids
Faith is a choice, and it must be sought after and developed. Thus, we are responsible for our own faith. We are also responsible for our lack of faith. The choice is yours…If your testimony is immature, untested, and insecure, choose to “exercise [even] a particle of faith”; choose to “experiment upon [His] words”...If your faith is proven and mature, choose to nurture it “with great care”...It needs constant nourishment through continued scripture study, prayer, and the application of His word…when we choose faith and then nurture that faith to a perfect knowledge of the things of the Lord, then we use the words “I testify” or “I know.”
- Richard C. Edgley, Faith- the Choice is Yours
Additional Videos:
[C]an you think of the last time you received an answer to your prayers?...Where were you the last time you prayed? I have prayed in many places. I have prayed on the beach, in the mountains, in church, on the playground. I have prayed in my house, in an airplane, and at the hospital. I know that I can pray to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere. I know He hears me…just as Joseph Smith received an answer to his prayer, [you can] pray to Heavenly Father and…He will answer your prayers, too.
- Sydney S. Reynolds, I Can Pray to Heavenly Father Anytime, Anywhere
Additional Video:
[A]n infinite Atonement...encompasses and circumscribes every sin and weakness, as well as every abuse or pain caused by others...Because the Savior performed His Atonement, there is no external force or event or person—no sin or death or divorce—that can prevent us from achieving exaltation, provided we keep God’s commandments. With that knowledge, we can press forward with good cheer and absolute assurance that God is with us in this heavenly quest.
- Tad R. Callister, The Atonement of Jesus Christ
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We convince ourselves that “someday I’m going to do it.” However, for many “someday” never comes, and even for others who eventually do make a change, there is an irretrievable loss of progress and surely regression...Now is the time to exercise our faith. Now is the time to commit to righteousness. Now is the time to do whatever is required to resolve our undesired circumstances. Now is the time to reconcile with God through the merciful process of change afforded us by the Redeemer of mankind.
- Donald L. Hallstrom, Do It Now
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During eternity’s most crucial, agonizing hours, our Savior did not shrink but partook of the bitter cup. How did He do it? We learn, “For the joy that was set before him [Christ] endured the cross,” His will “being swallowed up in the will of the Father.”…when life’s challenges are most painful and overwhelming, I remember the Lord’s promise—that we “should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it [be] swallowed up [consumed, devoured, and engulfed] in the joy of Christ.”
- Brian K. Taylor, Swallowed Up in the Joy of Christ
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As we make and keep covenants with God, the Savior can help us to “be born again; yea, born of God, changed from [a] carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters”. Of all the zealous social, religious, and political endeavors of our day, let disciple of Jesus Christ be our most pronounced and affirming affiliation.
- Jeremy R. Jaggi, Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy!
The holy scriptures are the word of God given to us for our salvation…To His disciples then and now, His words ring out: “Search the scriptures; for … they are they which testify of me”—a testimony borne by the Holy Ghost, for “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.”...the scriptures have been “kept and preserved [for us] by the hand of the Lord … for a wise purpose in him.”....The scriptures which we have give prophecies and promises, and they have been fulfilled in our day.
- Robert D. Hales, Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation
When all is said and done, the primary place in building a value system is in the homes of the people… If we are to turn this tide, the effort must begin with children when they are young and pliable, when they will listen and learn…It is not enough simply to provide food and shelter for the physical being. There is an equal responsibility to provide nourishment and direction to the spirit and the mind and the heart… The health of any society, the happiness of its people, their prosperity, and their peace all find their roots in the teaching of children by fathers and mothers.
- President Gordon B. Hinckley, Bring Up a Child in the Way He Should Go
The Lord has told us that our time should “be devoted to the studying of the scriptures” and that “the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given…for [our] instruction”...If you have not already developed the habit of daily scripture study, start now and keep studying in order to be prepared for your responsibilities in this life and in the eternities…Through my scripture reading and the prayers that accompany my study, I have gained knowledge which brings me peace and helps me keep my energies focused on eternal priorities.
- Julie B. Beck, My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures
How can each of us become such a significant influence? We must be sure to sincerely love those we want to help in righteousness so they can begin to develop confidence in God’s love...Share principles that help those you love to press forward along the path to eternal life...Keep your sharing of the gospel simple. Your personal testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is a powerful tool…You will share what you know in a way that encourages your friends to want to be strengthened spiritually.
- Richard G. Scott, “I Have Given You an Example”
Our eternal purpose is to come unto Christ and actively join Him in His great work...As we come to Him, we see others through His eyes. Come unto Christ. Come now, but don’t come alone! The gospel of Jesus Christ is not just nice; it is essential for all....the best way for you to improve the world is to prepare the world for Christ by inviting all to follow Him…Together, we will advance His purpose until that great day when Christ Himself returns to this earth and calls each of us to come “hither.”
- Bonnie H. Cordon, Come unto Christ and Don’t Come Alone
One of the most compelling examples in the scriptures…about seeking a testimony of God’s work and Jesus Christ is set forth in Alma’s counsel to his three sons…Unlike his brothers, Helaman and Shiblon, Corianton engaged in moral transgression. Because Corianton had engaged in immorality, it was necessary for Alma to teach him about repentance. He had to teach him the seriousness of sin and then how to repent…Because of the Savior’s Atonement, mercy can prevail for those who have repented, and it can allow them to return to the presence of God.
- Quentin L. Cook, Be True to God and His Work
Questions about our…beliefs do arise. Where we turn to find the correct answers requires great care...With all our prayer, study, and pondering, there may still remain some yet-to-be-answered questions, but we must not let that extinguish the flame of faith that flickers within us. Such questions are an invitation to build our faith and should not fuel a passing moment of deceiving doubt. It is the very essence of religion not to have a sure answer to every question, for this is one of the purposes of faith.
- Ian S. Ardern, Seek Ye Out of the Best Books
[O]thers are troubled by questions about the spirit world we will inhabit after we die and before we are resurrected. Some assume that the spirit world will continue many of the temporal circumstances and issues we experience in this mortal life. What do we really know about conditions in the spirit world?…Of course, we know from the scriptures that after our bodies die we continue to live as spirits in the spirit world…Resurrection for all in the spirit world is assured by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, Trust in the Lord
Alma Teaches Corianton about Resurrection and Judgment | Alma 39–41
One of the reasons that Alma’s statement is particularly true is that with repeated sinning, we distance ourselves from the Spirit, become discouraged, and then stop repenting. But I repeat, because of the Savior’s Atonement, we can repent and be fully forgiven, as soon as our repentance is sincere. What we cannot do is rationalize rather than repent. It will not work to justify ourselves in our sins by saying, “God knows it’s just too hard for me, so He accepts me like I am.” “Really trying” means we keep at it as we fully come up to the Lord’s standard…
- J. Devn Cornish, Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?
Blessed and Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God
Justice is an essential attribute of God...But as a consequence of being perfectly just, there are some things God cannot do...He cannot allow mercy to rob justice. It is compelling evidence of His justice that God has forged the companion principle of mercy. It is because He is just that He devised the means for mercy to play its indispensable role in our eternal destiny...We know that it is “the sufferings and death of him who did no sin...” that satisfies the demands of justice, extends mercy, and redeems us.
- D. Todd Christofferson, Free Forever, to Act for Themselves
The Lord is with us, mindful of us and blessing us in ways only He can do. Prayer can call down the strength and the revelation that we need to center our thoughts on Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. The Lord knew that at times we would feel fear…The battles will rage on, but we will face them with the Spirit of the Lord...believe in the promises of Jesus Christ, that He lives and that He is watching over us, caring for us and standing by us.
- Ronald A. Rasband, Be Not Troubled
Spiritual Battles | Animated Scripture Lesson for Kids
Satan dislodges conversion-crushing and family-fracturing boulders to cross our…path. Thankfully, Jesus Christ and His prophets have placed “Beware” signs along the way…
Long ago, Moses counseled, “Beware lest thou forget the Lord.” In our fast-paced and entertainment-saturated world, [we] are still quick to “forget the Lord, … to do iniquity, and to be led away by the evil one.”...Satan seeks “to destroy the souls of men.” If your soul is drifting to the edge of a spiritual cliff, stop now before you fall and steer back on course.
- Anthony D. Perkins, Beware Concerning Yourselves
How Does Chiasmus Teach Us to Reverse the Pride Cycle? (Knowhy #468)
Standing firm on the Lord’s side is especially valuable today. Our prophet regularly points out that these are the last days. We know from the signs of the times that the end is drawing near. And Satan knows it as well. He and his forces never seem to sleep...Our hymn “Who’s on the Lord’s Side?” instructs us, “Now is the time to show.” Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles, as did Captain Moroni.
- Robert C. Oaks, Who’s on the Lord’s Side? Who?
We cannot say...we will just dabble a little around the fringes of sin. There are no fringes of sin. Every act, good or bad, has a consequence...Every transgression, regardless of how minor, makes us more susceptible to Satan’s influence the next time he tempts us. Satan takes us an inch at a time, deceiving us as to the consequences of so-called minor sins until he captures us in major transgressions.
- Richard C. Edgley, That Thy Confidence Wax Strong
Alma 49:3-5, 12-14
Parents today wonder if there is a safe place to raise children. There is a safe place. It is in a gospel-centered home. We focus on the family in the Church, and we counsel parents everywhere to raise their children in righteousness…The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection. They contain the doctrine and laws and ordinances that will bring each child of God to a testimony of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer.
- Boyd K. Packer, The Key to Spiritual Protection
Protect Our Nestlings - Keeping our Families Safe
After the Savior’s visit to the Americas, the people were unified; “there was no contention in all the land.” Do you think that the people were unified because they were all the same, or because they had no differences of opinion? I doubt it. Instead, contention and enmity disappeared because they placed their discipleship of the Savior above all else. Their differences paled in comparison to their shared love of the Savior, and they were united as “heirs to the kingdom of God.”
- Dale G. Renlund, The Peace of Christ Abolishes Enmity
More Videos:
A Tale of Two Trucks | A Story About Resolving Contention
From ancient days to modern days, true disciples of Jesus Christ have understood the importance of making and keeping covenants with the Lord...Nephite leaders...constantly struggled to motivate the population to remember the Lord and keep His commandments…Helaman and his young stripling soldiers understood the importance of making covenants with the Lord. They were also recipients of the blessings that come to those who faithfully keep their covenants.
- Richard J. Maynes, Keeping Our Covenants
Friend to Friend: Keeping Baptismal Covenants with Elder Soares - Animated
Inspiring Short: Covenant Relationships | Jenet Jacob Erickson | 2024
As we help our children learn how to use their agency wisely, our example can inspire them to make their own righteous choices. Their faithful living will in turn help their children to know the truth of the gospel for themselves…The influence we have on our children is more powerful as they see us walking faithfully on the covenant path… The mothers of the stripling warriors lived the gospel, and their children were filled with conviction.
- Jorge M. Alvarado, After the Trial of Our Faith
A Mother's Determination - A Mother’s Day Message
[I]f we…exercise our faith and look to God for help, we will not be overwhelmed with the burdens of life. We will not feel incapable of doing what we are called to do or need to do. We will be strengthened, and our lives will be filled with peace and joy. We will come to realize that most of what we worry about is not of eternal significance—and if it is, the Lord will help us. But we must have the faith to look up and the courage to follow His direction.
- Carl B. Cook, It Is Better to Look Up
Nephi Exercises Faith to Obtain Food | 1 Nephi 16:23–32
Brothers and sisters, we need each other! As covenant-keeping women and men, we need to lift each other and help each other become the people the Lord would have us become. And we need to work together to lift the rising generation and help them reach their divine potential as heirs of eternal life…We are here to help, lift, and rejoice with each other as we try to become our very best selves.
- Linda K. Burton, We’ll Ascend Together
Helping Others as Jesus Did | Come Learn with Me
You and I cannot control the intentions or behavior of other people. However, we do determine how we will act...One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others. A thing, an event, or an expression may be offensive, but you and I can choose not to be offended—and to say with Pahoran, “it mattereth not.”
- David A. Bednar, And Nothing Shall Offend Them
The Goal: A Story of Faith, Friendship and Forgiveness | Growing Faith
Hard makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves… In the world of nature, hard is part of the circle of life. It is hard for a baby chick to hatch out of that tough eggshell. But when someone tries to make it easier, the chick does not develop the strength necessary to live. In a similar way, the struggle of a butterfly to escape the cocoon strengthens it for the life it will live. Through these examples, we see that hard is the constant! We all have challenges. The variable is our reaction to the hard.
- Stanley G. Ellis, Do We Trust Him? Hard is Good
Life is not an endless sequence of emotional highs...In this life, at least, joy and sorrow are inseparable companions. Like all of you, I have felt my share of disappointment, sorrow, sadness, and remorse. However, I have also experienced for myself the glorious dawn that fills the soul with joy so profound that it can scarcely be kept in. I have discovered for myself that this peaceful confidence comes from following the Savior and walking in His Way…Joy is the very purpose of God’s plan for His children.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, A Higher Joy
True Joy is Possible Through Jesus Christ
There is something about prosperity that brings out the worst in some people. In the book of Helaman, we learn of one group of Nephites who experienced great loss and slaughter....The natural consequence that comes to those who depart from the way of the Lord is that they are left to their own strength. While in the heat of our success we might assume that our own strength is sufficient, those who rely upon the arm of the flesh soon discover how weak and unreliable it truly is.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin, Journey to Higher Ground
The Prideful Ant | A Story about Pride and Humility
Why did the “Pride Cycle” Destroy the Nephite Nation? (Knowhy #195)
Like the carefully chosen names of Nephi and Lehi, can it be said and written of us that we are true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we honor the name of Jesus Christ that we have willingly taken upon ourselves? Are we both “a minister and a witness” of His loving-kindness and His redeeming power?
…As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, may we “gladly [take upon us] the name of Christ” by honoring His name with love, devotion, and good works.
- Lisa L. Harkness, Honoring His Name
Preparation of George Albert Smith: What Have You Done with My Name?
[T]he foundation of our lives must be connected to the rock of Christ if we are to remain firm and steadfast. The sacred covenants and ordinances of the Savior’s restored gospel can be compared to the anchor pins and steel rods used to connect a building to bedrock. Every time we faithfully receive, review, remember, and renew sacred covenants, our spiritual anchors are secured ever more firmly and steadfastly to the “rock” of Jesus Christ.
- David A. Bednar, “Be Still, and Know That I Am God”
[L]isten to the Holy Spirit. He can be our constant companion, but He speaks in subtle, quiet tones. The prophet Elijah found that the voice of the Lord was not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire but was “a still small voice.” It is “not a voice of thunder” but rather “a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper,” and yet it can “pierce even to the very soul.”
- Gary E. Stevenson, Promptings of the Spirit
Elijah and the Still Small Voice | Animated
One is moved to declare again with Alma, “And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I [do] behold; yea, my soul [is] filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!” […W]hatever the cost of repentance, it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness…I have seen some who have spent a long winter of guilt and spiritual starvation emerge into the morning of forgiveness. When morning came, they learned this: “‘Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more’.”
- D. Todd Christofferson, The Divine Gift of Repentance
A prophet is not one who displays a smorgasbord of truth from which we are free to pick and choose. However, some members become critical and suggest the prophet should change the menu. A prophet doesn’t take a poll to see which way the wind of public opinion is blowing. He reveals the will of the Lord to us...[Prophets] have no desire or goal other than to assist the Lord in his purpose “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
- Glenn L. Pace, Follow the Prophet
[G]reat prophets of the Book of Mormon—in their own way and time—testified of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ...In a seemingly endless sequence of prophetic proclamations—testimonies of “all the holy prophets” for “a great many thousand years before his coming”—the Book of Mormon makes the solemn declaration that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.
- President Russell M. Nelson, A Testimony of the Book of Mormon
More Video:
Prophets Testify Of Christ - A Christmas Message
Laman and Lemuel did not—especially in a Christ yet to come! In contrast, Nephi, “had a great knowledge of the goodness … of God”…Ironically, many like Laman and Lemuel who are the first to demand signs are then the first to discount them. Some demand more miracles even while consuming a daily menu of manna and forgetting its remarkable Source.
- Neal A. Maxwell, Lessons from Laman and Lemuel
Inspiring Short: The Miracle of the Ordinary | Lawrence E. Corbridge
Our humility and our faith that invite spiritual gifts are increased by our reading, studying, and pondering the scriptures. We have all heard those words. Yet we may read a few lines or pages of scripture every day and hope that will be enough. But reading, studying, and pondering are not the same. We read words and we may get ideas. We study and we may discover patterns and connections in scripture. But when we ponder, we invite revelation by the Spirit.
- President Henry B. Eyring, Serve with the Spirit
Daily Scripture Study: How can I better understand and feast on the scriptures? (Eyring & Holland)
What is the source of such moral and spiritual power, and how do we obtain it? The source is God. Our access to that power is through our covenants with Him...God binds Himself to sustain, sanctify, and exalt us in return for our commitment to serve Him and keep His commandments…Our covenant commitment to Him permits our Heavenly Father to let His divine influence, “the power of godliness”, flow into our lives…He will strengthen and finish your faith. He will, by His Holy Spirit, fill you with godly power.
- D. Todd Christofferson, The Power of Covenants
God Has More to Share with You
My brothers and sisters, may we have a commitment to our Heavenly Father that does not ebb and flow with the years or the crises of our lives. We should not need to experience difficulties for us to remember Him, and we should not be driven to humility before giving Him our faith and trust. May we ever strive to be close to our Heavenly Father... May His promise ever be our watchword: “I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
- President Thomas S. Monson, “I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee”
More Videos:
Inspiring Short: Always Remember Being Saved | Thomas B. Griffith
It is the Spirit which will bear record to your heart as you read the scriptures, as you hear the Lord’s authorized servants, and as God speaks directly to your heart. You can listen and hear if you believe that the scriptures are accurate…You might prefer that God simply tell you how well you are doing. But he loves you, wants you to be with him, and knows you must have a mighty change in your heart… As you have listened to God’s servants…you have felt pricked in your heart to do something…
- President Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God
Repentance is not an event; it is a process. It is the key to happiness and peace of mind. When coupled with faith, repentance opens our access to the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ...Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance—of doing and being a little better each day. When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves. We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy—the joy of redemption in Him.
- President Russell M. Nelson, We Can Do Better and Be Better
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were…an expert who could take a look at [our lives] and say: “Basically, you’re doing great. But if you would just do this one little thing, it would make a big difference”? Who could be trusted more than this combination: the Lord, his mouthpiece, and the Holy Ghost?…Read and reread the messages [of conference]. Is the Lord using his prophets to answer your prayers? Is the Lord using his prophets to send you a message that you are loved and are on the right road…? Is the Lord using his prophets to give you some instructions to practice or warnings to act on?
- Virgina H. Pearce, Listening with New Ears
Watchful unto prayer continually (cheetah and topis animation)
From the beginning of time, prophets have known that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, of His mortal mission, and of His Atonement for all mankind. Sacred records give the prophecies of thousands of years…If we had lived in the days of these prophets of old, would we have believed on their words? Would we have had faith in the coming of our Savior?
- Robert D. Hales, Finding Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
[T]he words of prophets matter. Prophets testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ. They teach His gospel and show His love for all. I bear my witness that our living prophet...hears and speaks the word of the Lord…I promise that if we “feast upon the words of Christ” that lead to salvation [and] our prophet’s words that guide and encourage us…the powers of heaven will pour down upon us.
- Ronald A. Rasband, Words Matter
What a great blessing it is to have prophets in our day! ...The Lord promised us that if we believe in the holy prophets, we should have eternal life...To believe means to have faith and confidence in them and to follow and do what the prophets ask us to do...Pay attention and follow their instruction and suggestions, and I testify to you that your life will be completely blessed.
- Claudio R. M. Costa, Obedience to the Prophets
Why does God give us commandments?
[T]he Lord’s timing is different than ours. Sometimes we seek for a blessing and set a time limit for the Lord to fulfill it. We cannot condition our faithfulness to Him by imposing upon Him a deadline for the answers to our desires...We need to trust the Lord enough to be still and know that He is God, that He knows all things, and that He is aware of each of us.
- Ulisses Soares, Take Up Our Cross
Inspiring Short: Trusting in God, Day by Day | D. Todd Christofferson
Jesus is the High Priest of Good Things to Come... Today, as our world is frequently polarized and divided, there is a great need for us to preach and practice positivity, optimism, and hope. Despite any challenges in our past, faith always points toward the future, filled with hope, allowing us to fulfill Jesus’s invitation to be of good cheer. Joyfully living the gospel helps us to become disciples of good things to come.
- Jonathan S. Schmitt, That They Might Know Thee
Inspiring Short: Facing Tribulation: "Be of Good Cheer" | Camille Fronk
A Message of Hope in Jesus Christ | #BecauseOfHim
Faith and fear cannot coexist. One gives way to the other. The simple fact is we all need to constantly build faith and overcome sources of destructive disbelief...our net usable faith is what we have left to exercise after we subtract our sources of doubt and disbelief...Consider carefully the Savior’s promise: “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me”.
- Kevin W. Pearson, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Inspiring Short: Fear Not: Good Tidings of Great Joy | Lloyd D. Newell
Ropes are made from strands of fabric, plants, wire, or other materials that are each individually twisted or braided together. Interestingly, substances that may be quite unexceptional can be woven together and become exceptionally strong…[The prophet has] instructed members of the Church to build up the strength of Zion throughout the world. He counseled the Saints to...establish strong stakes by gathering the family of God and teaching them the ways of the Lord.
- David A. Bednar, Gather Together in One All Things in Christ
Jesus called [the rich young ruler] to become a part of His work—the work of a disciple. Our work is the same...Regardless of what Satan would try to persuade us to think about who we are, our true identity is that of a disciple of Jesus Christ!…Think what a blessing it is to be called to give our gift of daily discipleship to the Lord, declaring in word and deed, “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ!”
- Linda K. Burton, Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work
Here I Am, I Will Follow Jesus Christ | Music Video
True conversion is more than merely having a knowledge of gospel principles and implies even more than just having a testimony of those principles. It is possible to have a testimony of the gospel without living it. Being truly converted means we are acting upon what we believe and allowing it to create “a mighty change in us, or in our hearts.”...It takes time, effort, and work.
- Bonnie L. Oscarson, Be Ye Converted
No one is more on our side than the Savior.…[His] grace is ever ready and ever present…But just how many times will He forgive us?...On one occasion Peter asked the Savior, “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?”… “Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.”…The Lord used the math of seventy times seven as a metaphor of His infinite Atonement, His boundless love, and His limitless grace.
- Lynn G. Robbins, Until Seventy Times Seven
Temptation Fades as We Seek Christ in Every Thought
[O]ne of the fundamental needs we have in order to grow is to stay connected to our source of light—Jesus Christ. . He is the source of our power, the Light and Life of the World...Jesus said, “I am the light [that] shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not.” That means no matter how hard it tries, the darkness cannot put out that light. Ever. You can trust that His light will be there for you.
- Sharon Eubank, Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness
Ultimately, the Lord wants our hearts; He wants us to become new creatures in Christ. As He instructed the Nephites, “Ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” Sacrifice is less about “giving up” and more about “giving to” the Lord...As we observe our covenants by sacrifice, we are made holy through the grace of Jesus Christ; and at the altars of the holy temple, with broken hearts and contrite spirits, we give our holiness to the Lord.
- L. Todd Budge, Giving Holiness to the Lord
Why Did Jesus Tell All People to Sacrifice a Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit? (Knowhy #198)
We will find our Father’s voice in many places. We will find it when we pray, study the scriptures, attend church, engage in faithful discussions, or go to the temple…Seeking His voice in any one of these places is good, but seeking it in many of them is even better. And when we hear it, we need to follow the direction that is given...The more diligently we seek His voice, the easier it becomes to hear. It is not that His voice gets louder but that our ability to hear it has increased.
- David P. Homer, Hearing His Voice
#HearHim: President Nelson Invites Us to Hear the Voice of the Lord
When Christ physically visited the Nephites at their temple, His invitation was not to stand at a distance and look upon Him, but to touch Him, to feel for themselves the reality of the Savior of humankind. How can we draw close enough to gain a personal witness of Jesus Christ?... Look for Christ everywhere―I promise He is there! True joy rests on our willingness to come closer to Christ and witness for ourselves.
- Bonnie H. Cordon, Never Give Up an Opportunity to Testify of Christ
Luke 24 | The Risen Lord Jesus Christ Appears to the Apostles | The Bible
During the Lord’s…ministry in the New World, He...succinctly summarized the fundamental principles of His gospel…The Savior also taught the people to come unto Him through sacred covenants...He emphasized the eternal importance of the ordinances of baptism and of receiving the Holy Ghost. In a similar manner, you and I are admonished to turn toward and learn from Christ and to come unto Him through the covenants and ordinances of His restored gospel.
- David A. Bednar, Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
Jesus Christ Invites All to Believe and Be Baptized | 3 Nephi 12:1–2