"The Hearts of the Children
Shall Turn to Their Fathers"
We can have exciting experiences as we learn about our vibrant, dynamic ancestors...It is a joy to become acquainted with our forebears who died long ago. Each of us has a fascinating family history. Finding your ancestors can be one of the most interesting puzzles you…can work on. Each of us has to begin this work somewhere, and it can be done by young or old.
- James E. Faust, The Phenomenon That Is You
Our Heavenly Father is anxious to gather and bless all of His family. While He knows that not all of them will choose to be gathered, His plan gives each of His children the opportunity to accept or reject His invitation. And families are at the heart of this plan…Elijah did come, and he gave to Joseph Smith the priesthood power to seal families eternally.
- President Henry B. Eyring, Gathering the Family of God
Which of us is not in need of the miracle of repentance? Whether your life is lightly blemished or heavily disfigured from mistakes, the principles of recovery are the same....When repentance is full and one has been cleansed, there comes a new vision of life and its glorious possibilities. How marvelous the promise of the Lord: “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.” The Lord is and ever will be faithful to His words.
- Richard G. Scott, Finding Forgiveness
[A]fter a sincere prayer, an angel appeared at Joseph’s bedside. The angel was a messenger sent from God, his name was Moroni, and he told Joseph that God had a work for him to do...Joseph did not say, "Oh no, Angel, I just wanted to know which church was true. I did not know I needed to do something!” But of course Joseph needed to do something. He had a special calling from the Lord.
- Julie B. Beck, A Work for Me to Do
[T]he Restoration added knowledge that Saints had anciently. The Lord provided a new book of scripture. To the Holy Bible, He added the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is a record of prophecies and the ministry of the resurrected Lord to the people of ancient America…The Restoration fulfills many biblical prophecies...the stick of Joseph (the Book of Mormon) and the stick of Judah (the Bible) would be as one in God’s hand have now been fulfilled.
- President Russell M. Nelson, Catch the Wave
Moroni Preserves the Record for the Latter Days | Moroni 10; Title Page
Why Did Moroni Quote Isaiah 11 To Joseph Smith? (Knowhy #50)
I wonder…what could be accomplished if we all…“had a mind to work.”…Think of how the kingdom of God would progress throughout the earth. Imagine how the world itself could be transformed for good if every [one] were to gird up his loins and live up to his true potential, converted in the depth of his soul…committed to building the kingdom of God.
The Lord is seeking…to enlist unfaltering souls who diligently go about the work of building the kingdom of God...
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down
A Great Work | Youth Music Festival 2021
Gathering Israel: President Nelson's Greatest Challenge
Our family loves the Come, Follow Me program! We have organized the weekly lessons from the Come, Follow Me lesson manual into six lessons per week that work for our young and growing children.
We hope that sharing this content will make scripture study easier for your family as well!