"My Work Shall Go Forth"
This work of the Lord is indeed great and marvelous, but it moves forward essentially unnoticed by many of mankind’s political, cultural, and academic leaders. It progresses one heart and one family at a time, silently and unobtrusively, its sacred message blessing people everywhere...there is a Savior. He lived in the meridian of time. He atoned for our sins, was crucified, and was resurrected. That matchless message, which we proclaim with authority from God, is the real reason this Church grows as it does.
- L. Whitney Clayton, The Time Shall Come
You can’t please God without upsetting Satan, so you will get pressure from those he tempts to do wrong. Individuals who do wrong want you to join them because they feel more comfortable in what they are doing when others do it also. They may also want to take advantage of you. It is natural to want to be accepted by peers, to be part of a group... You don’t need to compromise your standards to be accepted by good friends. The more obedient you are, the more you stand for true principles, the more the Lord can help you overcome temptation.
- Richard G. Scott, Making the Right Choices
Trust in the Lord is a familiar and true teaching in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That was Joseph Smith’s teaching when the early Saints experienced severe persecutions and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. That is still the best principle we can use when our efforts to learn or our attempts to find comfort encounter obstacles...There is so much we do not know that our only sure reliance is to trust in the Lord and His love for His children.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, Trust in the Lord
The Lord has a plan for you. He has prepared you for this day, right now, to be a strength and force for good in His mighty work. We need you! It simply will not be as grand without you!…Our eternal purpose is to come unto Christ and actively join Him in His great work...And when we do His work together with Him, we come to know and love Him more…Remember, the best way for you to improve the world is to prepare the world for Christ by inviting all to follow Him…
- Bonnie H. Cordon, Come Unto Christ and Don’t Come Alone
An Invitation to Come Unto Christ
When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized… the Lord gave a revelation to the members of the Church through His prophet, Joseph Smith Jr...the Savior instructed Church members to “give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me; For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith”…I testify to you that the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith…
- M. Russell Ballard, “His Word Ye Shall Receive”
I have come to better understand how vitally important it is to receive by the Spirit. We often focus, appropriately, on the importance of teaching by the Spirit. But we need to remember that the Lord has placed equal, if not greater, importance on receiving by the Spirit…those who receive by the Spirit intend to act. As the prophet Moroni instructed, to receive a witness of the Book of Mormon, we must ask “with real intent”. The Spirit teaches when we honestly intend to do something about what we learn.
- A. Roger Merrill, Receiving by the Spirit
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Our family loves the Come, Follow Me program! We have organized the weekly lessons from the Come, Follow Me lesson manual into six lessons per week that work for our young and growing children.
We hope that sharing this content will make scripture study easier for your family as well!