"Glad Tidings of Great Joy"
It is the Spirit which will bear record to your heart as you read the scriptures, as you hear the Lord’s authorized servants, and as God speaks directly to your heart. You can listen and hear if you believe that the scriptures are accurate…You might prefer that God simply tell you how well you are doing. But he loves you, wants you to be with him, and knows you must have a mighty change in your heart… As you have listened to God’s servants…you have felt pricked in your heart to do something…
- President Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God
Repentance is not an event; it is a process. It is the key to happiness and peace of mind. When coupled with faith, repentance opens our access to the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ...Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance—of doing and being a little better each day. When we choose to repent, we choose to change! We allow the Savior to transform us into the best version of ourselves. We choose to grow spiritually and receive joy—the joy of redemption in Him.
- President Russell M. Nelson, We Can Do Better and Be Better
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were…an expert who could take a look at [our lives] and say: “Basically, you’re doing great. But if you would just do this one little thing, it would make a big difference”? Who could be trusted more than this combination: the Lord, his mouthpiece, and the Holy Ghost?…Read and reread the messages [of conference]. Is the Lord using his prophets to answer your prayers? Is the Lord using his prophets to send you a message that you are loved and are on the right road…? Is the Lord using his prophets to give you some instructions to practice or warnings to act on?
- Virgina H. Pearce, Listening with New Ears
Watchful unto prayer continually (cheetah and topis animation)
From the beginning of time, prophets have known that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, of His mortal mission, and of His Atonement for all mankind. Sacred records give the prophecies of thousands of years…If we had lived in the days of these prophets of old, would we have believed on their words? Would we have had faith in the coming of our Savior?
- Robert D. Hales, Finding Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
[T]he words of prophets matter. Prophets testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ. They teach His gospel and show His love for all. I bear my witness that our living prophet...hears and speaks the word of the Lord…I promise that if we “feast upon the words of Christ” that lead to salvation [and] our prophet’s words that guide and encourage us…the powers of heaven will pour down upon us.
- Ronald A. Rasband, Words Matter
What a great blessing it is to have prophets in our day! ...The Lord promised us that if we believe in the holy prophets, we should have eternal life...To believe means to have faith and confidence in them and to follow and do what the prophets ask us to do...Pay attention and follow their instruction and suggestions, and I testify to you that your life will be completely blessed.
- Claudio R. M. Costa, Obedience to the Prophets
Why does God give us commandments?
Our family loves the Come, Follow Me program! We have organized the weekly lessons from the Come, Follow Me lesson manual into six lessons per week that work for our young and growing children.
We hope that sharing this content will make scripture study easier for your family as well!