"To Keep Them in the Right Way"
The enemy and his angels are trying to distract us. Their purpose is to encourage us to deviate from the covenants that we have made with the Lord, causing us to lose sight of our eternal inheritance...Despite the opposition we face…this is a war that we can and will win…All of us can receive the strength to choose the right if we seek the Lord and place all our trust and faith in Him…Through His atoning sacrifice, we can gain the courage to win all the wars of our time, even in the midst of our difficulties, challenges, and temptations.
- Ulisses Soares, Yes, We Can and Will Win!
The Lord Loves Effort | General Conference April 2020
Having Courage & Trusting the Lord: Stand Up for What You Believe In
You don’t have to face the experiences of this life alone, nor have you been sent here to fail....your Father in Heaven gave you a gift to celebrate your official entrance into His kingdom on earth. The Holy Spirit can be with you always and guide you back to Him, but in order to enjoy the benefits of this holy gift, you must truly receive it, and then you must use it in your life. How sad it would be to be given such a precious gift and then set it aside and never use it...To bless you, the gift of peace that the Holy Spirit brings has been given to you...I pray that we will receive and use this sacred gift from God…
- Margaret D. Nadauld, A Comforter, a Guide, a Testifier
What is the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Through the priesthood many other blessings are also available to all of the sons and daughters of God, making it possible for us to make sacred covenants and receive holy ordinances that enable us to travel that strait and narrow way back to our Father in Heaven...Under the direction of…prophets, seers, and revelators, who hold the keys in this dispensation, priesthood holders in the Church today have the legitimate right to act in the name of God. As his authorized agents, they are commissioned to go forth and bless others through the power and authority of the priesthood, making all priesthood covenants, ordinances, and blessings available today.
- Robert D. Hales, Blessings of the Priesthood
Why Did Moroni Provide the Exact Wording of Priesthood Ordinances? (Knowhy #587)
[T]he best way I know of to draw closer to God is to prepare conscientiously and partake worthily of the sacrament each week…The sacrament truly helps us know our Savior. It also reminds us of His innocent suffering…No matter where you stand in your relationship to God, I invite you to draw nearer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Benefactors and Givers of all that is good...I invite you to feel God’s nearness as He is made known to you, as He was to the disciples of old...As you do, I promise that you will feel nearer to God.
- Dale G. Renlund, “That I Might Draw All Men unto Me”
Sacrament: A Bible Story for Children
[T]hrough the ordinance of baptism, we make a covenant with our Heavenly Father. We prepare ourselves for baptism by having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repenting of our sins, and being willing to take upon us the name of Christ. We make a commitment to keep the commandments of God and remember the Savior always. We covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light.” We indicate that we are willing to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who need comfort.
- Barbara Thompson, Cleave unto the Covenants
We are strengthened by associating with others of like minds. In church attendance and participation, our hearts are, as the Bible says, “knit together in love."…Church attendance can open our hearts and sanctify our souls. In a church we don’t just serve alone or by our own choice or at our convenience. We usually serve in a team...Church attendance gives us the strength and enhancement of faith that come from associating with other believers and worshipping together with those who are also striving to stay on the covenant path and be better disciples of Christ.
- President Dallin H. Oaks, The Need for a Church
Disciple of Christ | Official 2024 Theme Music Video | #christianmusic
I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus – Emily Brown – Music Video
Our family loves the Come, Follow Me program! We have organized the weekly lessons from the Come, Follow Me lesson manual into six lessons per week that work for our young and growing children.
We hope that sharing this content will make scripture study easier for your family as well!